The Std View Menu is one of the 7 sub-menus in the standard menu:
{{StdMenu | File Edit View Tools Macro Windows Help }}
The View menu provides tools to change the 3D view and the view properties of objects in the model, and tools related to the display of interface components.
The following tools are available in this menu:
Create new view: Creates a new 3D view.
Orthographic view: Switches to orthographic view mode.
Perspective view: Switches to perspective view mode.
Fullscreen: Toggles the main window's fullscreen mode.
Standard views
- Fit all: Fits all visible objects inside the view.
- Fit selection: Fits selected objects inside the view.
- Axonometric
- Home: Switches to the default home view. (v0.19)
- Front: Switches to the front view.
- Top: Switches to the top view.
- Right: Switches to the right view.
- Rear: Switches to the rear view.
- Bottom: Switches to the bottom view.
- Left: Switches to the left view.
- Rotate Left: Rotates the view to the left.
- Rotate Right: Rotates the view to the right.
- Save views...: Saves frozen views in a file.
- Load views...: Loads frozen views from a file.
- Freeze view: Stores the current view in a frozen view.
- Clear views: Deletes all frozen views.
- As is: Switches the draw style to: As is.
- Points: Switches the draw style to: Points.
- Wireframe: Switches the draw style to: Wireframe.
- Hidden line: Switches the draw style to: Hidden line.
- No shading: Switches the draw style to: No shading.
- Shaded: Switches the draw style to: Shaded.
- Flat lines: Switches the draw style to: Flat lines.
Bounding box: Toggles the bounding box highlighting mode. (v0.19)
- Stereo red/cyan: Switches to red/cyan stereo view.
- Stereo quad buffer: Switches to quad buffer stereo view.
- Stereo Interleaved Rows: Switches to interleaved rows stereo view.
- Stereo Interleaved Columns: Switches to interleaved columns stereo view.
- Stereo Off: Switches stereo view off.
- Issue camera position: Prints camera settings in the Report view and the Python console.
Document window
- Docked: Docks a 3D view.
- Undocked: Undocks a 3D view.
- Fullscreen: Toggles a 3D view's fullscreen mode.
Toggle axis cross: Toggles the axis cross.
Clipping plane: Temporarily clips objects.
Texture mapping...: Temporarily maps a texture onto all objects.
- Toggle visibility: Toggles the visibility of selected objects.
- Show selection: Shows selected objects.
- Hide selection: Hides selected objects.
- Select visible objects: Selects all visible objects.
- Toggle all objects: Toggles the visibility of all objects.
- Show all objects: Shows all objects.
- Hide all objects: Hides all objects.
- Toggle selectability: Toggles the selectability of objects.
- Toggle measurement: Toggles the display of Part measurements.
- Clear measurement: Clears Part measurements.
Toggle visibility: Toggles the visibility of selected objects.
Toggle navigation/Edit mode: Toggles between navigation mode and edit mode.
Appearance...: Opens the Display properties task panel for objects.
Random color: Applies a random shape color to objects.
Workbench -- Select a workbench from the submenu.
Toolbars -- Each toolbars can be switched on or off in the submenu. Some workbenches add their own toolbars.
- File
- Workbench
- Macro
- View
- Structure
Panels -- Each panels can be switched on or off in the submenu.
Tree view actions
- Sync view: Toggles the Tree view SyncView mode. (v0.19)
- Sync selection: Toggles the Tree view SyncSelection mode. (v0.19)
- Sync placement: Toggles the Tree view SyncPlacement mode. (v0.19)
- Pre-selection: Toggles the Tree view PreSelection mode. (v0.19)
- Record selection: Toggles the Tree view RecordSelection mode. (v0.19)
- Single document: Switches the Tree view to SingleDocument mode. (v0.19)
- Multi document: Switches the Tree view to MultiDocument mode. (v0.19)
- Collapse/Expand: Switches the Tree view to CollapseDocument mode. (v0.19)
- Initiate dragging: Initiates a drag operation for selected objects in the Tree view. (v0.19)
- Go to selection: Scrolls the Tree view to the first created object in a 3D view selection. (v0.19)
Status bar: Toggles the display of the Status bar.
{{Std Base navi}}
documentation index > Workbenches > Std View Menu