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- GuiCommand:
Name: FEM ElementGeometry1D
MenuLocation: Model -> Element Geometry -> Beam cross section
Workbenches: FEM_Workbench
Shortcut: **C** **B**
SeeAlso: FEM_tutorial
ElementGeometry1D is used to define cross sections for beam elements. Currently the following types of cross sections are available: rectangular, circular and pipe.
- There are several ways to invoke the command:
- Press the FEM ElementGeometry1D button.
- Select the Model → Element Geometry → Beam cross section option from the menu.
- Choose the type of cross section and specify the necessary dimensions:
- Rectangular: width and height,
- Circular: diameter,
- Pipe: diameter and thickness.
- Optionally press the Add button in the task panel and then click on the edge you want to have a prescribed cross section. If the edge selection is free, all remaining edges (whose cross section is not defined by other FEM ElementGeometry1D objects) will be automatically assigned.
- For viewing results from CalculiX solver on the mesh expanded to the prescribed cross section, property
Beam Shell Result Output 3D
in the FEM SolverCalculixCxxtools need to be set toTrue
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