- GuiCommand:
Name: SheetMetal UnattendedUnfold
MenuLocation: SheetMetal -> Unattended Unfold
Workbenches: SheetMetal_Workbench
Shortcut: **U**
SeeAlso: SheetMetal_Unfold
The Unattended Unfold command unfolds a sheet metal object.
If the parent body of a selected planar face has been subject to unfolding before, this tool will skip the menu in the task panel. Otherwise it will show an error message asking for either "set a Manual K-factor" or "use a Material Definition Sheet".
With the first use of the Unfold command the parent body's label received a suffix (such as _material_0.5din) and after that it is ready to be use with this tool.
- Select one planar face of a sheet metal part.
- Activate the UnattendedUnfold command using one of the following:
- The Unattended Unfold button.
- The SheetMetal → Unattended Unfold menu option.
- The keyboard shortcut: U
See also: Property editor.
A SheetMetal Unfold object is derived from a Part Feature object and inherits all its properties. It has no additional properties, but its label has a default value:
- Label|String: Default value: The user editable name of this object, it may be any arbitrary UTF8 string.
See Unfold for limitations.
⏵ documentation index > SheetMetal > Addons > [External Command Reference](Category_External Command Reference.md) > SheetMetal UnattendedUnfold