- GuiCommand: Name: Sketcher BSplineApproximate MenuLocation: Sketch -> Sketcher B-spline tools -> Convert geometry to B-spline Workbenches: Sketcher_Workbench Version: 0.17 SeeAlso: Sketcher_CompCreateBSpline
Converts compatible geometry, edges and curves, into a B-spline (see this page for more info about B-splines).
*Various objects before conversion.* *The same objects after conversion to B-splines.*- Select one or several sketch segments and press the the toolbar button [ Convert geometry to B-spline.
Make sure to have either the spline degree, polygon, comb, multiplicity or weight visible, otherwise nothing seems to happen. If you converted straight lines, you first need to increase the degree of the lines to make them "bendable".
⏵ documentation index > Sketcher > Sketcher BSplineApproximate