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- GuiCommand:
Name: Sketcher Clone
MenuLocation: Sketch -> Sketcher tools -> Clone
Workbenches: Sketcher_Workbench
Shortcut: **Z** **L**
Version: 0.16
SeeAlso: Sketcher_Copy, Sketcher_Move
Clones the selected sketch elements from one point to another, using the last selected point as reference. If any constraints are part of the source elements, then the new constraints are linked to the source constraints; if the constraints in the source are changed, the constraints in the clone are also changed. To avoid this linking see [ Sketcher Copy.
Note that a clone of a clone becomes a Sketcher Copy. If you wish to create linked constraints, clone the original source elements again.
- Select the sketch elements to clone.
- Click on [ Clone or choose Sketch → Sketcher tools → [ Clone from the top menu.
- Move the mouse in the 3D view to the desired location for the clone.By keeping Shift pressed, the angle to the location point can be fixed in steps of 5°. (v0.20)
- Left-click in the 3D view to create the clone.
No extra constraints are added for the clone.
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