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- GuiCommand:
Name: Sketcher CreateBSplineByInterpolation
MenuLocation: Sketch -> Sketcher geometries -> Create B-spline by knots
Workbenches: Sketcher_Workbench
Shortcut: **G** **B** **I**
Version: 0.21
SeeAlso: Sketcher_CreatePeriodicBSpline
This tool creates a B-spline curve passing through given points. See this page for more info about B-splines.
- Press the [ B-spline by knots button.
- Create a series of points by clicking in the 3D view. While the command is active, the created points are connected with straight lines.
- Optionally press M before terminating the input to define the multiplicity of the knot at the last defined point (note that this may not always be respected, see limitations for details).
- Optionally press Backspace before terminating the input to delete the last created control point.
- Right-click to terminate the input and generate the curve.
- Depending on preferences, the tool may remain active to trace a new curve. Right-click again to exit the command.
- The resultant curve is no different than a (non-uniform) B-spline defined through control points. So all related limitations apply. See Sketcher CreateBSpline.
- The B-splines created are always cubic (i.e. with degree 3).
- The defined multiplicity may not always be respected:
- For a periodic spline, the first knot (coincident with last) always has a multiplicity of 2.
- For a non-periodic spline, the first and last knots always have a multiplicity of 4.
- If the points just before and just after have multiplicities >=3, the piece between these two is fully continuous, and this (middle) point will only be constrained with point-on-object. If a knot is needed, consider using the insert knot tool.
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