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- GuiCommand:
Name: Sketcher Trimming
MenuLocation: Sketch -> Sketcher geometries -> Trim edge
Workbenches: Sketcher_Workbench
Shortcut: **G** **T**
Version: 0.12
SeeAlso: Sketcher_Extend
This tool trims an edge at the nearest intersections with other edges. If the selected edge does not intersect other edges it will be deleted.
- Press the [ Trim edge button. The mouse pointer turns into a white cross with a red trim symbol.
- Click the edge you want to trim.
- The edge is trimmed at the nearest intersections with other edges. If there are edges on both sides of the clicked position, the clicked piece is cut out.
- Pressing Esc or pressing the right mouse button will terminate the function.
⏵ documentation index > Sketcher > Sketcher Trimming