The files in this repository are the different ways I went about solving the many challenges found on CodeEval. I made this repo public so that all of you can see how the challenges may be solved, in as many languages that I know.
Please do not simply copy and paste this code into CodeEval as a quick means to get a higher score. It will lower both of our scores, and you will have not learned anything. If you have a question about some of the code, feel free to message me directly and I will gladly explain any of my code.
Here is the status of all the challenges. The checked off challenges are completed, and the unchecked ones still need to be coded. All the challenges that are checked off have been tested for errors and successfully passed the CodeEval Test.
- Easy
- Age Distribution
- Armstrong Numbers
- Beautiful Strings
- Big Digits
- Bit Positions
- Black Card
- Calculate Distance
- Capitalize Words
- Chardonnay Or Cabernet
- Clean Up The Words
- Compare Points
- Compressed Sequence
- Data Recovery
- Delta Time
- Details
- Even Numbers
- Fibonacci Series
- File Size
- Find A Writer
- Find The Highest Score
- Fizz Buzz
- Happy Numbers
- Hex To Decimal
- Hidden Digits
- JSON Menu IDs
- Juggling With Zeros
- Knight Moves
- Lettercase Percentage Ratio
- Longest Word
- Lowercase
- Lowest Unique Number
- Matrix Rotation
- Max Range Sum
- Minimum Distance
- Mixed Content
- Morse Code
- Multiples Of A Number
- Multiplication Tables
- Multiply Lists
- N Mod M
- Nice Angles
- Odd Numbers
- One Zero, Two Zeros
- Penultimate Word
- Prime Palindrome
- Query Board
- Racing Chars
- Read More
- Reverse Words
- Rightmost Char
- Road Trip
- Roller Coaster
- Roman Numerals
- Self Describing Numbers
- Set Intersection
- Shortest Repetition
- Simple Sorting
- Slang Flavor
- Split The Number
- Stepwise Word
- String Mask
- Strings And Arrows
- Sum Of Digits
- Sum Of Integers From File
- Sum Of Primes
- Swap Case
- Swap Elements
- Swap Numbers
- Testing
- The Major Element
- Time To Eat
- Trick Or Treat
- Unique Elements
- Without Repetitions
- Word To Digit
- Working Experience
- Moderate
- A Pile Of Bricks
- Alternative Reality
- Array Absurdity
- Balanced Smileys
- Bats Challenge
- Black Or White
- Broken LCD
- Builders Team
- Burrows-Wheeler Transform
- Car Race
- Card Number Validation
- Cash Register
- Chain Inspection
- City Blocks Flyover
- Color Code Converter
- Column Names
- Consecutive Primes
- Counting Primes
- Decimal To Binary
- Decode Numbers
- Detecting Cycles
- Double Squares
- Double Trouble
- Email Validation
- Endianness
- Filename Pattern
- Find A Square
- First Non-Repeated Character
- Flavius Josephus
- Game Of Life
- Gronsfeld Cipher
- Guess The Number
- Interrupted Bubble Sort
- Jolly Jumpers
- Justify The Text
- Locks
- Longest Lines
- Lost In Translation
- Lowest Common Ancestor
- Lucky Tickets
- Magic Numbers
- Minimum Coins
- Mth To Last Element
- Number Of Ones
- Number Operations
- Number Pairs
- Organizational Hierarchy
- Overlapping Rectangles
- Pangrams
- Pascals Triangle
- Pass Triangle
- Point In Circle
- Predict The Number
- Prime Numbers
- Remove Characters
- Reverse And Add
- Reverse Groups
- Robo And Robitta
- Roman And Arabic
- Seek For An Intruder
- Sequence Transformation
- Simple Calcuator
- Sort Matrix Columns
- Stack Implementation
- String Rotation
- Sudoku
- Suggest Groups
- Sum Of Integers
- Sum To Zero
- The Ministry Of Truth
- Trailing String
- Twenty Forty Eight
- URI Comparison
- Valid Parenthesis
- Word Chain
- Hard
- A Bus Network
- Advanced Calculator
- Alphabet Blocks
- Ascii Decryption
- Bay Bridges
- Brainfck
- Climbing Stairs
- Closest Pair
- Code Plagiarism
- Commuting Engineer
- Computer Terminal
- Cracking Eggs
- Crime House
- Da Vyncy
- Decryption
- Digit Statistics
- Discount Offers
- Distinct Subsequences
- Distinct Triangles
- DNA Alignment
- Efficient Delivery
- Everything Or Nothing
- Find Min
- Flight 370
- Following Integer
- Glue Shredded Pieces
- Grid Walk
- IP Package
- Juggle Fest
- Lakes, Not Cakes
- Largest Sub-Matrix
- Less Money, More Problems
- Levenshtein Distance
- Lights Out
- Longest Path
- Mars Networks
- Message Decoding
- Minesweeper
- Minimum Path Sum
- Package Problem
- Palindromic Ranges
- Peak Traffic
- Play With DNA
- Poker Hands
- Prefix Expressions
- Prisoner Or Citizen
- Ray Of Light
- Repeated Substring
- Robot Movements
- Routing Problem
- Running For President
- Seat Your Team Members
- Skyscrapers
- Spiral Printing
- Straight Lines
- String List
- String Permutations
- String Searching
- String Substitution
- Telephone Words
- Text Dollar
- Text To Number
- The Cubes
- The Frequency
- The Labyrinth
- The Tourist
- Too Unique
- Type Ahead
- Ugly Numbers
- Visit To The Headquarters
- Where Is Wi-Fi
- Which Way Is Faster
- Word Search