All things to do after installing Kali Linux and Add more awesome hacking tools to your Kali Linux system
Change log v5.0.2:
- add Nvidia GPU driver
Change log v5.0.1:
- add Arc theme & icon
- update Tor 6.5.1
Change log v5.0:
- add install dvwa
- add install bwapp
Change log v4.5:
- fix sound mute and enable pulseaudio run startup
- install latest virtualbox, virtualbox-ext-pack and fix unable connect usb to virtualbox and fix "Kernel driver not installed (rc=-1908)"
- add google-chrome installation
- update latest tor browser
- add install metasploit, aircrack-ng on ubuntu/linux mint
- add netripper tool for sniff https password
- add fluxion tool
Change log v4.1:
- Add Kali Linux 2.0 repository for installing more package
- Add "Update kali linux Sana to Kali linux 2016.2" option
- Add "how to install wireless driver in your kali linux 2016.2 system" option
- Add "Transparent-top bar-notification-windows on Kali Linux" option
Change log v4:
- change source.list kali linux rolling
- modify video tutorial links
- add more tool ;)
- add vmware-tools
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