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Donna Calhoun edited this page Feb 8, 2018 · 2 revisions

Let's keep this wiki as an place where we can keep track of what is discussed each week.

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Running Jupyter notebooks remotely

This assumes that you have Anaconda Python installed on both a local machine and a remote machine.

Jupyter notebooks can be created, and edited on a local machine, but stored and run on a remote machine. To connect your local browser (where a remote notebook will be edited), use the following commands:

  1. Log into the remote machine and issue the following command at the bash command prompt:

    (remote) $ jupyter notebook --no-browser --port=8100   # or any available port
  2. On the local machine, you will issue the command :

    (local) $ ssh -N -f -L [email protected]  

where domain should be replaced with the correct domain name, 8100 is replaced with your port number, and donnacalhoun is replaced with your user name.

  1. In local browser, navigate to the URL

    (local) $

again, replacing the port number with your port value.

Voila! You are now running a remote copy of a jupyter notebook. Anything you save will be saved on the remote machine.

If several people are all listening on the same port, they will all see any changes made to the notebook.

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