Sort of official GLR bot that interacts with the Galaxy Life Reborn api using GLR.Net as api wrapper.
Galaxy Life Reborn is a recreation of Galaxy Life, which got shutdown. You can find more about the project here.
Feel free to join the Official Galaxy Life Reborn Discord Server.
This will avoid any problems regarding bot not being able to see/send in certain channels.
Invite Link
If you really, really know what you're doing with Discord permissions, you can invite through this link.
Invite Link
You can find a quick explanation on how to deploy yourself here.
If I ever feel like it, I will add the documentation here or at this repository's wiki.
At some point in the future I will make a wiki attached to this repository for documentation, but for now I don't have the time nor the will to do so.
I'll most likely finish The Template's Wiki before I start on this one, so take a look there.
If you have any reasonable questions, you can always find me on Discord with tag: svr333#3451