released this
31 Oct 01:02
15 commits
to master
since this release
- improved HL, Q2, Q3 (slickob) gamepacks
- added Q2Rerelease gamepack
- 958b99a: fix si->implicitImagePath extension presence vagueness added in c3437b7 (Garux)
- 679ebd9: improve rotate-snap to align bbox axially as much as possible (Garux)
- 1b0e573: fix "winding: index out of bounds" when highlighting brush components during undo/redo (Garux)
- 1fe5016: * m1 drag + ctrl (Drag tool, 3D view): move-snap selecton bbox corner to pointed position in scene (Garux)
- 811fcd6: confirmation dialog for
reset all shortcuts
(Garux) - cc2c170: shader editor: 4 chars tab size (was 80 pixels), update it on zoom, monospace font (Garux)
- 7c0b080: enable menu.help.about.changelog (Garux)
- a2bdefc: improve fgd.choices (Garux)
- dce698d: fix linux build process monitoring (Vorschreibung) #205
- 7b565c2: log to terminal on linux/macos (Vorschreibung) #199
- f3ffdf9: support 16bit png loading in radiant (Garux)
- 5daf2e2: * generate shaders to force nomipmaps flag on external lightmap images created by lightstyles and external lms hacks (Garux)
- a3d438c: * adjust -light -trisoup to enable performance hack for games with low verts per lmed surf count (e.g. 64 in Q3): (Garux)
- 6749261: * -maxshaderinfo : Sets max amount of shaderInfo, default = 8192 (Garux)
- 20a9afc: * -maxmapdrawsurfs : Sets max amount of mapDrawSurfs, used during .map compilation (-bsp, -convert), default = 131072 (Garux)
- 2721cca: untie PatchMapDrawSurfs() from MAX_MAP_DRAW_SURFS, was doing stack overflow when increased (Garux)
- bf579cc: * ctrl + shift + u: CSG Intersect (Garux)
- e77d713: * fix custom shaders generation for lightstyles and external lightmaps hacks for :q3map suffixed shaders (Garux)
- ecdad80: * light radiuses: don't render biggest radius, make them less occluding in 3D (Garux)
- 9b9e1df: * light entity radius: support negative intensity display and adjustment (keep sign while adjusting) (Garux)
- e02571f: * preferences.Selection.Create brushes in 3D (by m1 drag) (Garux)
- ec29d48: * Model Browser: unmoved m2 resets models rotations (Garux)
- 3212660: * fix equally named builds execution (Garux)
- a9a9907: support .fgd color1 key type (Garux)
- 3eff562: in .def ent defs treat
spawnflags as dummy (Garux) - 4cbe05a: bump EntityClass MAX_FLAGS to 32 (Garux)
- 7bd1148: * bobToolz: new Find Duplicates function: finds & selects duplicate brushes in entire map (Garux)
- 69a3a4f: * brush.cone result respects original brush bounds and is currect projection dependent (Garux)
- 2c947b7: q3map2/light: introduce -nobouncestore (Thomas Debesse)
- 374f66b: don't store lightmap if the last bounce computation ran empty. (Matthias Krüger)
- 39f4bdf: * installer of map developer's files (common shaders/textures/w/e is included in gamepack) (Garux)
- a5bad3d: * fix: don't turn lights with targetname to styled for IBSP, as they are not switchable there (Garux)
- 1da9dbf: * -keepmodels in -bsp / _keepModels on worldspawn: keep misc_model entities in the BSP file after compile (Garux)
- b9c537f: * Run Engine After Compile function: make 'Engine to Run' & 'Engine Arguments' customizable in preferences (Garux)
- cc89d51: make console text color adaptive to GUI theme changes (Garux)
- 32c4ded: fix default GUI theme application on the fly (Garux)
- 4e1c8ad: install share/qt5/plugins/styles/qwindowsvistastyle.dll for native look'n'feel in Windows with 'Default' theme (Garux)
- 4d870a3: * shader editor: lines numbering (Garux)
- 66f8098: * shader editor: highlight current line (Garux)
- 1e90913: * misc_model _target and group entity _targetname key aliases for baking the model into entity (Garux)
- 9c2fbc9: * shader editor: Q3 shader syntax highlighting (Garux)
- 2b3a34b: improve performance of console, shader view (Garux)
- 9ca1d93: * UV Tool: measure snapping distance in screenspace (Garux)
- 860ba89: * UV Tool::skew: snap lines to vertices; change snapping measure to distance (Garux)
- f6972d0: add action, triggering shaderManual deployment action (Garux)
- a351b63: add "textures/skip" to caulk filter for Q1 (Garux)
- a998927: entity, surface inspectors: clear focus widget while showing to keep global shortcuts working (Garux)
- 544ade9: on Enter in NonModalEntry, NonModalSpinner always do apply, since not every selected instance necessarily has shown property applied (Garux)
- c08c2f9: * ctrl/ctrl + shift modifiers in value spinners divide step by 10 & 100 respectively (Garux)
- f9bc21a: * -lessbrushes switch: less brushes when decompiling Q1, HL maps at the expense of texturing (Garux)
- f43f9da: mbspc: * improve decompilation quality of Q1, HL maps greatly (texturing correctness, less brushes) (Garux)
- 6fa7a8b: decompilation: bump limits to be able to decompile all AD Q1 BSPv1 maps (Garux)
- 18d4a0a: decompilation: avoid writing empty texture name (Garux)
- 0ac6b34: sanitize Entity inspector key/value input (Garux)
- 88a03b0: normalize rendered light color for display consistency (compiler normalizes it anyway) (Garux)
- d41adc5: * use bounding box for misc_model transformations (Garux)
- f0ce315: handle fgd spawnflags #115 (Garux)
- 5162a22: adjust gui style: bright menu separators with margin, highlighted scrollbar handle, no scroll buttons (Garux)
- 85d6e4b: shortcuts customization: handle numpad keys as numpad keys (Garux)