The app was developed back in 2017 in order to play with some technologies, no further plans for updating it.
This is a playground app which is architected by following Uncle Bob's "Clean Architecture" approach. Special thanks to Fernando Cejas and his work on this topic: Many ideas from his repo and blog is used in this project.
It is a very simple application - it shows recent photo feed which is retrieved from Flickr API.
- Entire app written in Kotlin
- RxJava 2
- Dagger 2 for dependency injection
- Retrofit 2 with Moshi converter for dealing with network APIs
- Picasso for loading images
- ConstraintLayout for creating UI
- Timber for logging in debug builds
- In your dedicated project directory:
git clone [email protected]:GediminasZukas/photo-feed.git
to rootphoto-feed
project directory- Connect a real device to your machine (or run the emulator) and then execute:
./gradlew installDebug