M# is a set of tools for rapid web application development. Unlike traditional RAD tools, M# is designed for mission-critical enterprise applications based on best-practices, rather than merely prototype/small apps.
Developing with M# is about 4X faster than typical development models. It is based on a domain-driven declarative model. Such artefacts are simple and quick to create declaratively. They are then transformed into standard ASP.NET MVC and C# source code by the M# generator.
The end result is simply a standard Asp.net application which can be maintained with or without M#. This makes it risk-free to adopt as it presents no "lock-in" or other business risks.
This website provides you with an architectural overview, as well as detailed examples and tutorials, to help you get started with your M# journey.
To begin, go through the items in the left hand side menu, starting from the top.
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