A simple Rust command line utility that displays weather information for a given city.
I'm not sure this deserves to be uploaded as a crate or as a package somewhere, so for now you can:
git clone https://github.com/Gogopex/wthr.git
cd wthr
# wthr requires cargo/rustc
cargo build --release
This will generate a bin file in target/release/build
If you've just ran cargo build --release
, replace wthr
by ./target/release/wthr
in the following examples.
# use wthr <city> to print the weather of a city
$ wthr "new york"
$ Clear Sky - 😎 -- Current temperature is 29°C. Feels like 33°C!
# you can specify the units with --unit
$ wthr philadelphia -u=imperial
$ Broken Clouds - 🌥 -- Current temperature is 83°F. Feels like 90°F!
⚡ wthr
wthr 0.4.0
A small CLI utility that retrieves and display the weather for a given city using the OpenWeather API
wthr [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] <city>
-f, --forecast Outputs a forecast of the weather for the next 5 days for a given city
-h, --help Prints help information
-V, --version Prints version information
-u, --unit <unit> Other possible units include <imperial>, <kelvin> [default: metric] [possible values: Metric,
Imperial, Kelvin]
Feel free to report any issue you find here: https://github.com/Gogopex/wthr/issues