YOLO3 to detect the traffic sign in pytoch. I used the Traffic Signs dataset and convert the given annoations into YOLO fromat. Traffic Signs is the dataset of German Traffic Sign Detection Benchmark datset http://benchmark.ini.rub.de It contains 900 image files with natural pictures 00000.ppm - 00899.ppm. Dataset contains the images files and gt.txt to define define the ImageID, XMin, YMin, XMax, YMax with calls numbers as annotation file.
Dataset has annotated with following labels
- 0 = speed limit 20 (prohibitory)
- 1 = speed limit 30 (prohibitory)
- 2 = speed limit 50 (prohibitory)
- 3 = speed limit 60 (prohibitory)
- 4 = speed limit 70 (prohibitory)
- 5 = speed limit 80 (prohibitory)
- 6 = restriction ends 80 (other)
- 7 = speed limit 100 (prohibitory)
- 8 = speed limit 120 (prohibitory)
- 9 = no overtaking (prohibitory)
- 10 = no overtaking (trucks) (prohibitory)
- 11 = priority at next intersection (danger)
- 12 = priority road (other)
- 13 = give way (other)
- 14 = stop (other)
- 15 = no traffic both ways (prohibitory)
- 16 = no trucks (prohibitory)
- 17 = no entry (other)
- 18 = danger (danger)
- 19 = bend left (danger)
- 20 = bend right (danger)
- 21 = bend (danger)
- 22 = uneven road (danger)
- 23 = slippery road (danger)
- 24 = road narrows (danger)
- 25 = construction (danger)
- 26 = traffic signal (danger)
- 27 = pedestrian crossing (danger)
- 28 = school crossing (danger)
- 29 = cycles crossing (danger)
- 30 = snow (danger)
- 31 = animals (danger)
- 32 = restriction ends (other)
- 33 = go right (mandatory)
- 34 = go left (mandatory)
- 35 = go straight (mandatory)
- 36 = go right or straight (mandatory)
- 37 = go left or straight (mandatory)
- 38 = keep right (mandatory)
- 39 = keep left (mandatory)
- 40 = roundabout (mandatory)
- 41 = restriction ends (overtaking) (other)
- 42 = restriction ends (overtaking (trucks)) (other)
Among of 42 labels of annotation i have make it folling lables
- 1 = prohibitory
- 2 = danger
- 3 = mandatory
- 4 = other
Udemy.com Instructor : Valentyn Sichkar Computer Vision, Machine Learning, Image Processing