Total Supply: 314,159,265 MTX
Name: MatryxToken
Symbol: MTX
Ether Cap: 161,803 Eth
npm/node eth testrpc truffle
npm i
truffle compile
Set unix epoch for start and end time
truffle migrate
run via npm script
npm run test
install testrpc
npm install -g ethereumjs-testrpc
Run testrpc chain
testrpc -b 1.5 --account="0xc7dcd9e96b41cb0f5d3d519550966fc36e9472f92be7d16af3638e600a48d588,2000000000000000000000000" --account="0xb6485e6830a5d9aff97fa9d799c16aa9e387a2eea684c4b7d2c9f656798e2710,15000000000000000000000000"
set test bool to true in /migrations/2_deploy_contracts.js run truffle tests
truffle test