Package to facilitate first-principles calculation of the free induction decay of nuclear spins in solids. This is an old version restricted to Julia version 0.6.x. I am working on rewriting the package for the current versions of Julia, while simultaneously making it more modular. The package LightLattices.jl was born out of this effort.
The package was used to obtain the results published in:
- G.A. Starkov, B.V. Fine, Hybrid quantum-classical method for simulating high-temperature dynamics of nuclear spins in solids, Phys. Rev. B 98, 214421 (2018).
- G.A. Starkov, B.V. Fine, Free induction decays in nuclear spin-1/2 lattices with a small number of interacting neighbors: The cases of silicon and fluorapatite, Phys. Rev. B 101, 024428 (2020).
- G.A. Starkov, Simulations of high-temperature spin dynamics, Ph.D. thesis, Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology, 2019,
For the basic manual, please refer to the Appendix B of PhD dissertation.