An offline Netflix like experience for your video files!
ShmubiFlix is still in early alpha and does not provide full functionality yet.
In order to use the application, you will need to first compile it locally and than structure your media files. Follow these steps:
1.Running the application:
1.1 Clone the repository
1.2 open .sln file (Requiers Visual Studio 2019)
1.3 Compile and launch
2.Structuring the media folder: Your media folder should follow this structure:
Series1 and Series2 should be replaced with your series name
Thumbnails folder should contain a .jpg file with a thumbnail image for the series.
After running the application, click the "Set root folder" button and select the root of your media foler.
-App crashes if no "Thumbnails" folder is contained inside each series folder.
-"Play last episode" button plays the wrong episode, sometimes.
-Media playback won't stop if you press the go back button.
-Hovering the mouse over a series thumbnail will make the image disappear.
-Application crashes when finished playing the last file of a season.