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New and improved HOL parser
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digama0 committed Nov 10, 2024
1 parent 618f249 commit 3231849
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Showing 28 changed files with 1,219 additions and 87 deletions.
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions Manual/Tools/polyscripter.sml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -17,11 +17,11 @@ fun lnumdie linenum extra exn =

val outputPrompt = ref "> "

val quote = QFRead.fromString
val quote = HolParser.fromString
val default_linewidth = 77

fun quoteFile lnum fname =
QFRead.inputFile fname handle e => lnumdie lnum "" e
HolParser.inputFile fname handle e => lnumdie lnum "" e

datatype lbuf =
LB of {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -319,7 +319,7 @@ fun process_line debugp umap obuf origline lbuf = let
val assertcmd = "##assert "
val assertcmdsz = size assertcmd
val stringCReader = #read o QFRead.stringToReader true
val stringCReader = #read o HolParser.stringToReader true
fun compile exnhandle input =
(if debugp then
TextIO.output(TextIO.stdErr, input)
Expand Down
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions developers/genUseScript.sml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -39,9 +39,9 @@ in
(push, read, reset)

val _ = use "../tools/Holmake/QuoteFilter.sml";
val _ = use "../tools/Holmake/QFRead.sig";
val _ = use "../tools/Holmake/QFRead.sml";
val _ = use "../tools/Holmake/HolLex.sml";
val _ = use "../tools/Holmake/HolParser.sig";
val _ = use "../tools/Holmake/HolParser.sml";
val _ = use "../tools/Holmake/Holdep_tokens.sig"
val _ = use "../tools/Holmake/Holdep_tokens.sml";

Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/AI/sml_inspection/smlExecute.sml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ val sml_thml_glob = ref []

fun quse_string s =
val stream = TextIO.openString (QFRead.fromString false s)
val stream = TextIO.openString (HolParser.fromString false s)
fun infn () = TextIO.input1 stream
Expand Down
12 changes: 6 additions & 6 deletions src/probability/borelScript.sml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8120,8 +8120,8 @@ Theorem IN_MEASURABLE_BOREL_POW_EXP:
(!x. x IN space a ==> h x = (f x) pow (g x)) ==> h IN Borel_measurable a
‘!P. {x | P (g x)} INTER space a IN subsets a` by (rw[] >>
`{x | P (g x)} INTER space a = BIGUNION {{x | g x = n} INTER space a | P n}’ by (
‘!P. {x | P (g x)} INTER space a IN subsets a by (rw[] >>
{x | P (g x)} INTER space a = BIGUNION {{x | g x = n} INTER space a | P n}’ by (
rw[Once EXTENSION,IN_BIGUNION] >> eq_tac >> strip_tac >> gvs[] >>
qexists_tac ‘{y | g y = g x} INTER space a’ >> simp[] >> qexists_tac ‘g x’ >> simp[]) >>
Expand All @@ -8130,19 +8130,19 @@ Proof
map_every (fn (pos,tm,qex,ths) => irule_at pos tm >> qexistsl_tac qex >> simp ths) [
(Pos hd,IN_MEASURABLE_BOREL_ADD',[‘λx. fn_minus f x pow g x * indicator_fn {x | EVEN (g x)} x’,
‘λx. fn_plus f x pow g x * indicator_fn {x | $< 0 (g x)} x’],[]),
(Pos (el 2),IN_MEASURABLE_BOREL_MUL',[‘indicator_fn {x | EVEN (g x)}`,`λx. fn_minus f x pow g x’],[]),
(Pos (el 2),IN_MEASURABLE_BOREL_MUL',[‘indicator_fn {x | EVEN (g x)}’,‘λx. fn_minus f x pow g x’],[]),
(Pos (el 2),IN_MEASURABLE_BOREL_INDICATOR,[‘{x | EVEN (g x)} INTER space a’],[]),
(Pos (el 3),IN_MEASURABLE_BOREL_MUL',[‘indicator_fn {x | $< 0 (g x)}`,`λx. fn_plus f x pow g x’],[]),
(Pos (el 3),IN_MEASURABLE_BOREL_MUL',[‘indicator_fn {x | $< 0 (g x)}’,‘λx. fn_plus f x pow g x’],[]),
(Pos (el 2),IN_MEASURABLE_BOREL_INDICATOR,[‘{x | $< 0 (g x)} INTER space a’],[]),
(Pos last,IN_MEASURABLE_BOREL_MUL',[‘indicator_fn {x | ODD (g x)}`,`λx. fn_minus f x pow g x’],[]),
(Pos last,IN_MEASURABLE_BOREL_MUL',[‘indicator_fn {x | ODD (g x)}’,‘λx. fn_minus f x pow g x’],[]),
(Pos (el 2),IN_MEASURABLE_BOREL_INDICATOR,[‘{x | ODD (g x)} INTER space a’],[])] >>
pop_assum kall_tac >>
‘!pf. pf IN Borel_measurable a /\ (!x. 0 <= pf x) ==> (λx. pf x pow g x) IN Borel_measurable a’ by (
rw[] >> irule IN_MEASURABLE_BOREL_SUMINF >> simp[] >>
qexistsl_tac [‘λn x. pf x pow n * indicator_fn {x | g x = n} x’] >> simp[pow_pos_le,INDICATOR_FN_POS,le_mul] >>
simp[RIGHT_AND_FORALL_THM] >> strip_tac >>
map_every (fn (pos,tm,qex,ths) => irule_at pos tm >> simp[] >> qexistsl_tac qex >> simp ths) [
(Any,IN_MEASURABLE_BOREL_MUL',[‘indicator_fn {x | g x = n}`,`λx. pf x pow n’],[]),
(Any,IN_MEASURABLE_BOREL_MUL',[‘indicator_fn {x | g x = n}’,‘λx. pf x pow n’],[]),
(Pos hd,IN_MEASURABLE_BOREL_POW',[‘n’,‘pf’],[]),
(Pos hd,IN_MEASURABLE_BOREL_INDICATOR,[‘{x | g x = n} INTER space a’],[indicator_fn_def])] >>
rw[] >> qspecl_then [‘g x’,‘pf x pow g x’] mp_tac ext_suminf_sing_general >>
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/tactictoe/examples/ttt_demoScript.sml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ open listTheory
(* ttt ([],``(!n. f n = c) ==> (MAP f ls = REPLICATE (LENGTH ls) c)``); *)
val ex2 = store_thm("ex2",
``(!n. f n = c) ==> (MAP f ls = REPLICATE (LENGTH ls) c)``,
asm_simp_tac (srw_ss () ++ boolSimps.LET_ss ++ ARITH_ss)) [LIST_EQ_REWRITE] >>
asm_simp_tac (srw_ss () ++ boolSimps.LET_ss ++ ARITH_ss) [LIST_EQ_REWRITE] >>
metis_tac [EL_MAP, rich_listTheory.EL_REPLICATE]

Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/tactictoe/src/tttToken.sml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ fun inst_term sterm stac =
load "tttToken"; open tttToken;
val stac = "EXISTS_TAC ``1:num``";
val stac' = QFRead.fromString false stac;
val stac' = HolParser.fromString false stac;
val (astac,sterm) = valOf (abstract_term stac');
val istac = inst_term "2:num" astac;
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/tactictoe/src/tttUnfold.sml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -973,7 +973,7 @@ fun rm_spaces s =

fun sketch_wrap thy file =
val s1 = QFRead.inputFile file
val s1 = HolParser.inputFile file
val s2 = rm_spaces (rm_comment s1)
val sl = partial_sml_lexer s2
val lexdir = tactictoe_dir ^ "/log/lexer"
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions tools-poly/configure.sml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -425,13 +425,13 @@ val _ = work_in_dir
val _ = work_in_dir
"Holmake" (fullPath [HOLDIR, "tools", "Holmake", "poly"])
(fn () => (OS.FileSys.chDir "..";
systeml [lexer, "QuoteFilter"] ;
systeml [lexer, "HolLex"];
OS.FileSys.chDir "poly";
polyc_compile (SOME "../mlton/")
"poly-Holmake.ML" hmakebin))

(* unquote - the quotation filter *)
val _ = work_in_dir "unquote." qfdir
val _ = work_in_dir "unquote" qfdir
(fn () => (polyc_compile NONE "poly-unquote.ML" qfbin))

(* holdeptool *)
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions tools-poly/holrepl.ML
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ fun topLevel diag {nameSpace, exitLoop, exitOnError, isInteractive, zeroTerm,
in fn () =>
(* Create a new lexer for each command block. *)
val {read, ...} = QFRead.inputToReader true input;
val {read, ...} = HolParser.inputToReader true input;
val endOfBlock = ref false;
fun read' () = case read () of
NONE => (endOfBlock := true; NONE)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ fun topLevel diag {nameSpace, exitLoop, exitOnError, isInteractive, zeroTerm,
fun cgen() = !cgenref()
fun bind_cgen () =
val {read, ...} = QFRead.streamToReader true TextIO.stdIn
val {read, ...} = HolParser.streamToReader true TextIO.stdIn
cgenref := read
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions tools-poly/poly-build.ML
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -17,8 +17,8 @@ val _ = useC "HOLFileSys";
val _ = useC "Holdep_tokens";
val _ = useC "HM_SimpleBuffer";
val _ = useC "AttributeSyntax";
val _ = use "../tools/Holmake/QuoteFilter.sml";
val _ = useC "QFRead";
val _ = use "../tools/Holmake/HolLex.sml";
val _ = useC "HolParser";
val _ = useC "Holdep";
val _ = use "../tools/Holmake/Holmake_tools_dtype.sml";
val _ = use "../tools/Holmake/terminal_primitives.sig";
Expand Down
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions tools-poly/poly/poly-init2.ML
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ val _ = use "Holmake/Systeml.sml"

val _ = use "../tools/Holmake/AttributeSyntax.sig";
val _ = use "../tools/Holmake/AttributeSyntax.sml";
val _ = use "../tools/Holmake/QuoteFilter.sml";
val _ = use "../tools/Holmake/HolLex.sml";
val _ = use "../tools/Holmake/HM_SimpleBuffer.sig";
val _ = use "../tools/Holmake/HM_SimpleBuffer.sml";
val _ = use "../tools/Holmake/HOLFS_dtype.sml";
Expand All @@ -15,8 +15,8 @@ val _ = use "../tools/Holmake/poly/HFS_NameMunge.sml";
val _ = use "../tools/Holmake/HOLFS_dtype.sml";
val _ = use "../tools/Holmake/HOLFileSys.sig";
val _ = use "../tools/Holmake/HOLFileSys.sml";
val _ = use "../tools/Holmake/QFRead.sig";
val _ = use "../tools/Holmake/QFRead.sml";
val _ = use "../tools/Holmake/HolParser.sig";
val _ = use "../tools/Holmake/HolParser.sml";
val _ = use "poly/quse.sig";
val _ = use "poly/quse.sml";

Expand Down
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions tools-poly/poly/quse.sml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
structure QUse :> QUse =

fun use_reader fname (reader as {read = infn0, eof, reset}) =
fun use_reader fname (reader as {read = infn0, eof}) =
val lineNo = ref 1
fun infn () =
Expand All @@ -17,12 +17,12 @@ fun use_reader fname (reader as {read = infn0, eof, reset}) =
Compiler.CPLineNo (fn () => !lineNo)]) ()

fun use fname = use_reader fname (QFRead.fileToReader fname)
fun use fname = use_reader fname (HolParser.fileToReader fname)

fun useScript fname =
val istream = TextIO.openIn fname
val reader = QFRead.streamToReader true istream
val reader = HolParser.streamToReader true istream
val _ = use_reader fname reader
handle e => (TextIO.closeIn istream; raise e)
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions tools/Holmake/.gitignore
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1 +1,2 @@
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions tools/Holmake/AttributeSyntax.sig
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ signature AttributeSyntax =

val mk_strsafe : string -> string
val bslash_escape : char -> string
val bslash_escape_s : string -> string
val dest_ml_thm_binding : string -> {keyword: string, name : string,
name_attr_original : string,
Expand Down

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