The Humanitarian Exchange Language (HXL) uses hashtags to add information to spreadsheets, API output, and similar data using hashtags and attributes. The core schema defining the hashtags and attributes is located at
The normative output from this script is at
This script reads the core schema and uses it to generate human-readable HTML markup for the HXL Hashtag Dictionary, which is part of the HXL standard. This script is in use beginning with HXL version 1.1.
Requires Python 3.
It's strongly recommended to run this script inside a Python virtual environment. To set up a Python 3 custom environment in most Linux distros, try
mkvirtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3 hxl-dict # or whatever you want to call it
To load dependencies before running, try
workon hxl-dict # or whatever you called your Python virtual environment python develop
python > docs/hxl-hashtags-and-attributes.html
Last updated 2017-11-27