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htz dialog

Accessible dialog and modal windows with simple DOM and JavaScript APIs with backed in support for navigating between related dialogs within the same wrapper.


jspm install github:haaretz/htz-dialog


For convenience, dialogs can be set up and controlled using either the JavaScript or the DOM API, and the use of JavaScipt is required only in initializing dialog instances:

import htzDialog from 'htz-dialog';

// The #foo element is not the modal itself, but its wrapper.

For better accessibly, the content blocked by dialogs must be assigned an aria-hidden attribute with a value of true whenever the dialog is active. The is automatically taken care of by the module, but does have implications on markup structure. Since the blocked element is aria-hidden, the dialog blocking it must reside NEXT to it, rather than inside it, as would often be the intuitive structure.

Modal-type dialogs (ones that completely block the entire UI, rather than a single element), therefore, would normally need to be placed at root level, making it harder to use them when templating components, as we'd usually like to manage the component and its modal in the same place.

The module allows us to do that by specifying a container to which the dialog should be moved to, either by passing a parameter when initializing the dialog, or using the DOM API.


Parameter HTML Attribute Default Notes
wrapper --- --- An html element containing a dialog(s)
dialogClass --- js-dialog The class used as a javascript hook for dialog windows within the wrapper
elemToHide data-htz-dialog-elem-to-hide='<element-id>' page-wrapper Determines the element which will be concealed by the dialog. Should be place on the wrapper
appendTo data-htz-dialog-append-to='<element-id>' --- Determines the element to which the dialog will be appended to (if at all)

HTML Structure

<div id="page-wrapper">
  <!-- Some page content -->
  <section id="has-dialog">
    <div id="conceal">
      <!-- component content -->
      <button type="button" data-htz-dialog-show="dialog">Open dialog</button>
    <div id="dialog" data-htz-dialog-hide data-htz-dialog-elem-to-hide="conceal" tabindex="-1" aria-hidden="true">
      <div class="js-dialog__content" role="dialog">
        <h3>Dialog Title</h3>
        <p>Dialog textual content with a <a href="#!">link</a> and some text.</p>
        <button type="button" data-htz-dialog-next>Continue to 2nd dialog</button>
        <button type="button" data-htz-dialog-hide>close</button>
      <div class="js-dialog__content" role="dialog">
        <h3>Title of second dialog</h3>
        <p>Dialog textual content with a <a href="#!">link</a> and some text.</p>
        <button type="button" data-htz-dialog-prev>Back to 1st dialog</button>
        <button type="button" data-htz-dialog-hide>close</button>

  <section id="has-modal">
    <!-- component content -->
    <button type="button" data-htz-dialog-show="modal">Open dialog</button>
    <div id="modal" data-htz-append-to="modals" data-htz-dialog-hide tabindex="-1" aria-hidden="true">
      <div class="js-dialog__content" role="dialog">
        <h1>Modal Title</h1>
        <p>Modal textual content with a <a href="#!">link</a> and some text.</p>
        <button type="button" data-htz-dialog-hide>close</button>

  <!-- More page content -->


<div id="modals">
  <!-- The `modal` element will be appended here when initialized -->


Attribute Action Notes
data-htz-dialog-show='dialog-id' Reveals the specified dialog on click
data-htz-dialog-hide[='dialog-id'] Hides the specified dialog on click When located inside a dialog, clicking the element will close the dialog it is placed in even without explicitly providing a a dialog's id
data-htz-dialog-next Navigates to the next related dialog on click, if one exists By default, each dialog within the wrapper is identified by the js-dialog class.
data-htz-dialog-prev Navigates to the previous related dialog on click, if one exists By default, each dialog within the wrapper is identified by the js-dialog class.

Instance JavaScript API

Method Description
show() Reveal dialog.
hide() Hide dialog.
isVisible() Returns a boolean indicating if the dialog is open.
next() Move to next dialog in wrapper, if one exists.
prev() Move to previous dialog in wrapper, if one exists.

Static Methods

Method Parameters Description
instance dialog: A dialog wrapper (HTMLElement) or the id of one. Returns an object with the API methods associated with a specific instance.


Htz-dialog emits events on state changes to easily allow hooking custom behaviour.

Event Name Description Properties
dialog:show-before Fired whenever a dialog is being revealed.
Stops execution if any of its handlers calls event.preventDefault
details.dialog - The wrapper element containing dialog(s) being revealed.
dialog:show-after Fired whenever a dialog is being revealed. details.dialog - The wrapper element containing dialog(s) being revealed.
dialog:hide-before Fired whenever a dialog is being hidden.
Stops execution if any of its handlers calls event.preventDefault
details.dialog - The wrapper element containing dialog(s) being hidden.
dialog:hide-after Fired whenever a dialog is being hidden details.dialog - The wrapper element containing dialog(s) being hidden.
dialog:focus-dialog-before Fired whenever a dialog window inside the wrapper is focused.
Stops execution if any of its handlers calls event.preventDefault
details.wrapper - The wrapper element containing the focused dialog.
details.dialog - The focused dialog element.
dialog:focus-dialog-after Fired whenever a dialog window inside the wrapper is focused. details.wrapper - The wrapper element containing the focused dialog.
details.dialog - The focused dialog element.


The module comes with absolutly no styling, but it is recommended that dialogs are display: none by default:

.dialog-wrapper-class[aria-hidden="true"] {
  display: none;