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JavaScript Advanced: Working with Sets

Screenshot showing the JavaScript code solution implementing Sets with operations such as adding, deleting, and converting data structures.

Description 📄

In this lab, we explore Sets, a unique data structure in JavaScript introduced with ES6. Unlike arrays, Sets store only unique values and are ideal for scenarios where duplicate values need to be avoided. This exercise will help you understand how to create and manipulate Sets, including adding, deleting, and checking for values.

Key Concepts Covered:

  • Sets: Learn to initialize Sets and enforce uniqueness.
  • Set Methods: Use methods to add, delete, check for values, and clear Sets.
  • Conversions and Iterations: Practice converting between Sets and arrays and iterating over Sets.

By the end of this lab, you will:

  • Be able to use Sets to manage unique data.
  • Convert between arrays and Sets to leverage the unique properties of each.
  • Gain practice with Set-specific methods for efficient data handling.

Expected Project Structure 🏗️

Your project should be structured as follows:

├── index.js

1. Create the Project Folder and Files

  • Create a project folder named javascript-sets to store your project files.

  • Inside the javascript-sets folder, create a file named index.js. This will be your main JavaScript file where all your code will be written.

2. Initialize the Set and Display the Empty Set

Now that you have created the index.js file, let's start by initializing a Set and displaying its initial state.

  • Open the index.js file in the javascript-sets folder and add the following code to set up a Set and log it to the console.

    // Working with Sets: Declare the set before using it
    const uniqueNames = new Set();
    // Display the empty Set
    console.log("Initial uniqueNames Set:", uniqueNames);
  • Run your code using Node.js in the terminal:

 node index.js

Expected Output:

Initial uniqueNames Set: Set(0) {}



  • The line const uniqueNames = new Set(); initializes an empty Set named uniqueNames. This Set will hold only unique values, ensuring that no duplicates are stored.

Displaying the Set:

  • The line console.log("Initial uniqueNames Set:", uniqueNames); logs the initial state of the uniqueNames Set to the console.
  • The output shows Set(0) {}, where Set(0) indicates that the Set is empty and has 0 elements at this stage. The curly braces {} show that there are no values currently stored in the Set. This confirms that the Set has been created but contains no elements yet.

3. Adding Values to the Set

Now that the uniqueNames Set has been created and initialized, let's add some values to it.

  • Open the index.js file in the javascript-sets folder and add the following code to populate the uniqueNames Set with initial values and log the updated Set to the console.

    // Adding values to the Set
    // Display the Set after adding values
    console.log("uniqueNames after adding values:", uniqueNames);
  • Run your code using Node.js in the terminal:

node index.js

Expected Output:

uniqueNames after adding values: Set(3) { 'David', 'Sarah', 'John' }


Adding Values:

  • The add method is used to add values to the Set:
    • uniqueNames.add("David"); adds the value "David" to the Set.
    • uniqueNames.add("Sarah"); adds the value "Sarah" to the Set.
    • uniqueNames.add("John"); adds the value "John" to the Set.
  • Each value is added uniquely; if a duplicate value is added, it will not be stored again in the Set.

Displaying the Updated Set:

  • The line console.log("uniqueNames after adding values:", uniqueNames); logs the updated state of the uniqueNames Set to the console.
  • The expected output shows Set(3) { 'David', 'Sarah', 'John' }, where Set(3) indicates that the Set now contains 3 unique elements. The curly braces {} list the elements in the Set, confirming that the values "David", "Sarah", and "John" have been added successfully.

4. Attempting to Add Duplicate Values and Checking the Set Size

Let's test what happens when we attempt to add a duplicate value to the uniqueNames Set, and then log the Set's size to confirm it only stores unique values.

  • In the index.js file, add the following code to add a duplicate value and check the size of the Set.

    // Attempting to add duplicate values
    console.log("uniqueNames after attempting to add 'David' again:", uniqueNames);
    // Checking the size of the Set
    console.log("Size of uniqueNames Set:", uniqueNames.size);
  • Run your code using Node.js in the terminal:

node index.js

Expected Output:

uniqueNames after attempting to add 'David' again: Set(3) { 'David', 'Sarah', 'John' }
Size of uniqueNames Set: 3


Adding a Duplicate Value:

  • The line uniqueNames.add("David"); attempts to add the value "David" to the uniqueNames Set again.
  • Sets in JavaScript only store unique values, so attempting to add "David" a second time does not change the contents of the Set. This helps enforce uniqueness, as the Set automatically disregards duplicate entries.

Displaying the Updated Set:

  • The line console.log("uniqueNames after attempting to add 'David' again:", uniqueNames); logs the state of the uniqueNames Set after attempting to add a duplicate value.
  • The output Set(3) { 'David', 'Sarah', 'John' } shows that the Set still contains only three unique elements, with no duplicate "David" added.

Checking the Size:

  • The line console.log("Size of uniqueNames Set:", uniqueNames.size); logs the current size of the Set.
  • The output Size of uniqueNames Set: 3 confirms that the Set has a total of three unique elements, verifying that duplicate entries are not counted.

5. Deleting, Checking, and Clearing Values in the Set

In this step, we’ll remove a value from the uniqueNames Set, check for the presence of specific values, and finally clear the Set completely.

  • In the index.js file, add the following code to delete a value, check for values, and then clear the Set.

    // Deleting a value from the Set
    console.log("uniqueNames after deleting 'Sarah':", uniqueNames);
    // Checking if a value exists in the Set
    console.log("Does uniqueNames have 'John'?", uniqueNames.has("John"));
    console.log("Does uniqueNames have 'Sarah'?", uniqueNames.has("Sarah"));
    // Clearing all values from the Set
    console.log("uniqueNames after clearing all values:", uniqueNames);
  • Run your code using Node.js in the terminal:

node index.js

Expected Output:

uniqueNames after deleting 'Sarah': Set(2) { 'David', 'John' }
Does uniqueNames have 'John'? true
Does uniqueNames have 'Sarah'? false
uniqueNames after clearing all values: Set(0) {}


Deleting a Value:

  • The delete method is used to remove a specific value from the Set:
    • uniqueNames.delete("Sarah"); removes the value "Sarah" from the uniqueNames Set.
  • The line console.log("uniqueNames after deleting 'Sarah':", uniqueNames); logs the Set's updated state, showing that "Sarah" has been removed and only "David" and "John" remain.

Checking for Values:

  • The has method checks whether a specific value exists in the Set:
    • uniqueNames.has("John") returns true because "John" is present in the Set.
    • uniqueNames.has("Sarah") returns false because "Sarah" was removed earlier.
  • Logging these checks confirms the presence (or absence) of values in the Set after modifications.

Clearing the Set:

  • The clear method removes all values from the Set:
    • uniqueNames.clear(); clears every element, making the Set empty.
  • The final line console.log("uniqueNames after clearing all values:", uniqueNames); logs the empty state of the Set, displayed as Set(0) {}, verifying that all elements have been successfully removed.

6. Converting an Array with Duplicates to a Set

In this step, we’ll create an array containing duplicate values, convert it to a Set to remove duplicates, and then convert it back to an array to view the unique values.

  • In the index.js file, add the following code to create an array with duplicates, convert it to a Set, and log the results.

    // Converting between Sets and Arrays
    const animalsArray = ["dog", "cat", "dog", "bird", "cat"];
    const uniqueAnimals = Array.from(new Set(animalsArray));
    // Logging the original and unique arrays
    console.log(`Animals Array: ${animalsArray}`); // Outputs the full array with duplicates
    console.log(`UniqueAnimals Array from Set: ${uniqueAnimals}`); // Output: ['dog', 'cat', 'bird']
  • Run your code using Node.js in the terminal:

node index.js

Expected Output:

Animals Array: dog,cat,dog,bird,cat
UniqueAnimals Array from Set: dog,cat,bird


Original Array with Duplicates:

  • The animalsArray is initialized with values that include duplicates: "dog", "cat", "dog", "bird", and "cat".
  • When we log animalsArray, it shows the array in its original form, complete with duplicate entries.

Converting to a Set to Remove Duplicates:

  • new Set(animalsArray) converts animalsArray into a Set, which automatically filters out duplicate values, ensuring only unique elements are stored.
  • Wrapping this Set in Array.from() converts the unique values in the Set back into an array format, resulting in uniqueAnimals.

Logging the Unique Array:

  • The line console.log("UniqueAnimals Array from Set:", uniqueAnimals); logs the array created from the Set, showing only unique values.
  • The output confirms that duplicates have been removed, displaying only "dog", "cat", and "bird" in the uniqueAnimals array.

7. Using the Spread Operator to Create an Array from a Set

Another method to create an array from a Set is by using the spread operator (...). This approach is concise and achieves the same result of removing duplicates from an array.

  • In the index.js file, add the following code to create a unique array using the spread operator.

    // Another way to create an array from a Set using the spread operator
    const uniqueAnimalsAlt = [ Set(animalsArray)];
    console.log(`UniqueAnimals Array using spread operator: ${uniqueAnimalsAlt}`);
  • Run your code using Node.js in the terminal:

node index.js

Expected Output:

UniqueAnimals Array using spread operator: dog,cat,bird


Using the Spread Operator:

  • The spread operator (...) is a concise way to create an array from a Set. By using [ Set(animalsArray)], we first convert animalsArray into a Set, which removes any duplicate values.
  • The spread operator then expands the unique elements from the Set into a new array, uniqueAnimalsAlt, effectively creating an array with only unique values from animalsArray.

Logging the Unique Array:

  • The line console.log("UniqueAnimals Array using spread operator:", uniqueAnimalsAlt); logs the array created with the spread operator, showing the unique values.
  • The output confirms that duplicates are removed, with only unique values "dog", "cat", and "bird" displayed in the uniqueAnimalsAlt array.

8. Iterating Through a Set and Converting it to an Array

In this step, we’ll create a new Set, log each item using iteration, and then convert the Set back to an array.

  • In the index.js file, add the following code to create a Set, iterate through it, and convert it to an array.

    // Iterating through a Set
    const fruits = new Set(["apple", "banana", "cherry"]);
    fruits.forEach((fruit) => console.log("Fruit:", fruit));
    // Converting a Set back to an Array
    const fruitsArray = Array.from(fruits);
    console.log("Fruits Array from Set:", fruitsArray);
  • Run your code using Node.js in the terminal:

node index.js

Expected Output:

Fruit: apple
Fruit: banana
Fruit: cherry
Fruits Array from Set: apple,banana,cherry


Creating and Iterating Through the Set:

  • A new Set, fruits, is initialized with three unique values: "apple", "banana", and "cherry".
  • The forEach method is used to iterate over each item in the fruits Set:
    • fruits.forEach((fruit) => console.log("Fruit:", fruit)); logs each value individually. This loop prints each fruit name to the console.

Converting the Set to an Array:

  • The line Array.from(fruits) converts the fruits Set to an array, fruitsArray, containing all unique values from the Set in insertion order.
  • The line console.log("Fruits Array from Set:", fruitsArray); then logs the new array, displaying the converted values as ["apple", "banana", "cherry"], verifying that the Set was successfully converted back to an array.

7. Commit and Push Your Project to GitHub

In this final step, you’ll commit your changes and push your project to GitHub to save and share your work. This ensures that your project is versioned and backed up remotely.

  • Initialize Git (if not already initialized):

    git init
  • Add All Changes to Staging:

    git add .
  • Commit Your Changes:

    git commit -m "Add code for working with Sets, including conversions and iterations"
  • Connect to Your GitHub Repository (if not already connected):

    • Replace <username> with your GitHub username and <repository-name> with the name of your repository.
    git remote add origin<username>/<repository-name>.git
  • Push to GitHub:

    git push -u origin main

Conclusion 📄

In this lab, you learned how to use JavaScript Sets to manage collections of unique values effectively. By following each step, you gained practical experience with:

  • Creating and manipulating Sets to store unique values, ensuring that duplicates are automatically removed. You used methods like .add(), .delete(), and .clear() to add, remove, and reset entries in the Set.
  • Checking and iterating over Set entries with methods like .has() and .forEach() to verify the presence of items, display all entries, and iterate over elements efficiently.
  • Converting between Sets and Arrays to remove duplicates from arrays and retrieve unique values, demonstrating how Sets can be used in conjunction with arrays to handle collections more effectively.

Key Takeaways:

  • Automatic Uniqueness: Sets automatically enforce uniqueness, making them ideal for managing collections where duplicate values should be excluded, such as tags, categories, or IDs.
  • Streamlined Data Management: Using Set methods allows for easy addition, deletion, and clearing of values, which simplifies data handling in comparison to arrays when duplicates are unwanted.
  • Flexibility in Conversion: Converting between Sets and Arrays enables efficient duplicate removal from arrays, and allows Sets to be used interchangeably with arrays when necessary for other JavaScript operations.

With these skills, you’re now equipped to use JavaScript Sets to handle collections of unique data, improve data organization, and enhance the readability of your code. Continue practicing by using Sets in various projects, especially where uniqueness is critical, to develop more efficient and robust JavaScript applications!

Solution codebase 👀

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💾 Not something to copy and paste 💾

Note: This lab references a solution file located here (link not shown).

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