This repo provides an accelerated solver implemented in C++ for convex biclustering, and generating row and column dendrogram is also supported. The source code and test data can be also found at For more information about convex biclustering, see [1].
Currently, we only support compiling the source code on Linux or MacOS. For the step-by-step installation in an empty environment, please refer to docker/Dockerfile
- g++
- make
- autotools (autoconf, automake, libtool)
- python3
- openblas and igraph
pip install -r requirements.txt
cd lib/cvxclustr-0.3
autoreconf -i
make install
When you run make install
, make sure you have the writing permission in the system library path.
The executable will be called cvxclustr_path
. This file will be called by
to accelerate the data intensitive computation.
We can also build this software easily with docker:
docker build -t [your image name] ./docker
The sample command using the image is provided in docker/Dockerfile
python3 [-h] --data DATA [--rgfile RGFILE] [--cgfile CGFILE] --gamma
GAMMA [--col_knn COL_KNN] [--row_knn ROW_KNN] --output OUTPUT
[--intermediate INTERMEDIATE] [--nthreads NTHREADS]
[--max_iter MAX_ITER] [--tol TOL] [--verbose {0,1}]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--data DATA path to matrix file (.csv format)
--rgfile RGFILE path to the row graph file
--cgfile CGFILE path to the column graph file
--gamma GAMMA sequence of gamma (comma seperated)
--col_knn COL_KNN k nearest neightbors used to create column weights
--row_knn ROW_KNN k nearest neighbors used to create row weights matrix
--output OUTPUT the path to the output file
--intermediate INTERMEDIATE
the path to the output file
--nthreads NTHREADS number of threads to use
--max_iter MAX_ITER max iterations to run
--tol TOL tolerance of convergence
--verbose {0,1} printing flag
This dynamic biclustering of 44 US presidents below is generated by our accelerated convex biclustering algorithm using the following command:
python3 --gamma 3,5,10,20,50,100,150,200,500,1000 --col_knn 2 --row_knn 4 --tol 0.001 --data data/president.csv --output data/president.json
Besides the standalone implementation, we also provide a online server at for users to run some other interesting examples or run the algorithm on their own datasets. For more information about using the online server, see
[1] Haidong Yi, Le Huang, Gal Mishne, Eric C Chi, "COBRAC: a fast implementation of convex biclustering with compression", Bioinformatics, Volume 37, Issue 20, 15 October 2021, Pages 3667–3669,
[2] Chi, Eric C., Genevera I. Allen, and Richard G. Baraniuk. "Convex biclustering." Biometrics 73.1 (2017): 10-19.