Welcome to HomeHarbor, your gateway to discovering the perfect property. Dive into our curated selection of homes, apartments, and villas, tailored to meet your unique needs and preferences.
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Frontend: JavaScript, CSS, HTML, GitHub, Node.js, React, React Router, Vite, Tailwind CSS/DaisyUI, Redux
Backend: Node.js, Express, Mongoose, MongoDB, JSON Web Token, Cors, Bcrypt
Web link: https://ga-p4-frontend.onrender.com
- Frontend: https://github.com/Haozhi415/GA_P4_Frontend
- Backend: https://github.com/Haozhi415/GA_P4_Backend
- Admin user can delete other user accounts.
- Sorting function search page.
My favourite feature was the ability for admin to delete listings.
My favourite feature was the ability to email the listing poster through a click of a button.
- User authentication part.
- Always start early.