Project to help find nearby car parks in Wellington greater area.
MVP is to restrict the parking to just disabled car parks.
See github todo project: for current backlog items.
The car parks dataset sourced from WCC Open Data contains car parking data and nztm coordinates.
Because our plan is to use GeoFirestore to find car parks near a location. The firebase data model is to separate geo-location information with static data about cars. This will help performance when app pulls in nearby car parks.
The WCC dataset uses nztm to represent parking location. This needs to be converted to lat long to upload to firebase.
nztm/src/ will convert the x and y nztm coordinates to lat long.
python3 ../../data_processing/data/car_parks_wellington.csv \
-o ../../data_processing/data/car_park_lat_long.csv
or docker
cd nztm/src/
docker build -t park:latest . && \
docker run --rm \
--mount type=bind,source=$(pwd)/sample,target=/home/sample \
park:latest \
/home/sample/example.csv -o /home/sample/out.csv
This script will create a csv file that can be uploaded to geofirestore.
I have exported wcc data in firebase/data.
I am using GeoFirstore-JS library.
Due to the nature of the GeoFirestore data structure, the data needs to be inserted by GeoFirestore js library in order to be able to query it later. Thus the data is inserted into firebase via node scripts found in firebase.
To get started you need to create a firebase project and download serviceAccount json file. Follow relevant firebase guides to do this.
Inserting geofire data is done by the geofire_upload.js.
First run npm install
, then
node geofire_upload.js \
--file ../data/car_park_lat_long.csv \
--creds serviceAccount.json
Run geofire_upload.js --help
for help on cli arguments
Uploading car parks data is also done via node script firestore_upload.js. This script sanitizes WCC car park data, mainly to remove redundant fields, then uploads data to firestore.
node firestore_upload.js \
--file ../data/car_parks_wellington.csv \
--creds serviceAccount.json
Run firestore_upload.js --help
for help on cli arguments
At the end you should have two collections, one containing documents on car parks and other containing documents on car park's geographic location.
We can now query car parks based on location and radius.
const { GeoFirestore } = require('geofirestore');
const admin = require('firebase-admin');
// Initialise app
credential: admin.credential.cert(serviceAccount)
// Get reference to firestore
let ref = admin.firestore();
const geofirestore = new GeoFirestore(ref)
// Create a GeoQuery based on a location
const geocollection = geofirestore.collection('geo-car-park')
const query = geocollection.near({ center: new admin.firestore.GeoPoint(-41, 174), radius: 1000 });
// Get query (as Promise)
query.get().then((value) => { => console.log(