This project is meant to kickstart any development of a basic website using go as a backend and angular for the frontend. It uses protocol buffer to generate server and client files for go and typescript.
Before you get started you should rename anything that says 'boilerplate' with your own project name.
- Make sure to rename the go module to the github address of your project.
- Docker image names in docker-compose (though these are just used for development)
- default package name in buf.gen.yaml should be the
<go module>/gen/proto/go
Have docker installed
brew install bufbuild/buf/buf
brew install node@16
# follow brew instructions to setup PATH
npm install
Before building for the first time, or after modifying anything in the proto directory run
To start the development environment
docker compose up -d
Run the angular dev server (from the ui directory)
npm run start
Go to http://localhost:4200 and start developing the angular application.
To rebuild the go application run
docker compose build api
docker compose up -d
If you update the proto files make sure to run ./scripts/
and rebuild the go application you will likely need to restart ng serve.
Use buf lint
from the proto directory to determine if you're breaking any proto linting rules.
Generally you should follow the structure <app name>/<service name>/<version>/<service>.proto
Make sure the package in the file is the same as the directory structure <app name>.<service name>.<version>