I'm Hasan Sattar . I'm a self-taught Front-End Software Engineer & Blockchain & Infrastructure as code in AWS. I'm currently working as a Jamstack Developer, freelance Front-End Web Developer, & Computer Technician.👨💻🖥️🔧
🔭 I’m currently working with Solidity, Web3.js, Truffle, React, Redux, & more!
🌱 I'm looking to connect with more blockchain developers!
👯 I’m looking to collaborate with other content creators
🥅 2021 Goals: Contribute more to Open Source projects
Languages - Solidity,JavaScript,Typescript,React js,Gatbyjs,Node js & HTML,CSS
Libraries/Frameworks: - Bootstrap,CSS,Matrial-UI, REST API, Graphql API
Databases: - MySQL and MongoDB, FaunaDB,Contentfull
Tools: - Hardhat,Truffle, Ganacehe, CLI, Git, Github and Developer Tools
Blockchains - Ethereum,Binance,Polygon(Prev Matic),Tron
Cloud dev - AWS(amazon web service), Heruka