Pre-releaseBeta v1.107 release [4th April 2020]:
-[New] tdarr_aio ffmpeg updated to 4.2.2 with libaom enabled
-[New] Small UI changes and help info updates
-[New] Folder watch: Option to use file system events (FSE) instead of polling (try if polling causes high CPU/disk IO). FSE may not work with all drives/shares.
-[New] HandBrake and FFmpeg binary paths passed to plugins
-[Improvement] Error shown if problem with reading plugin
-[Improvement] New files appended with '.partial' while copying to source to prevent app/services scanning temp file
-[Improvement] Logs saved to txt file (inside Tdarr/Logs) instead of DB
-[Fix] Detect if files are replaced with file of same file name+extension
-[Fix] Limit transcode error logs to 200 lines (Sometimes 70,000+ lines which causes DB issues)
-[Fix] Info log added for post-processing plugins
-[Fix] Prevent corrupt item causing whole backup restore process to stop