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Neovim configuration

This repository hosts my Neovim configuration that I'm using for Linux and Windows.




Before cloning

  1. Backup your current configuration
  2. Remove your ~/.config/nvim folder

Once you installed this configuration you will be able to integrate your older configuration. You can see it in Customization section


Clone repository in neovim config path:

git clone --depth 1 ~/.config/nvim

Or start a new repo with tiged:

tiged Hdoc1509/nvim-config ~/.config/nvim

IF YOU ARE A WINDOWS USER, set the environment variable XDG_CONFIG_HOME with cmd:


Install plugins

  1. To suppress git messages about detached HEAD, run:

    git config --global advice.detachedHead false
  2. To install plugins, run:

    nvim --headless +'Lazy! restore' +quit
  3. Due to headless mode, some tree-sitter parsers can not be successfully installed. All you need to do is open Neovim.


Used mapleader is space key.

Mapping Mode Description
<F1> Normal Toggle nvim-tree with focus in current file
<F2> Normal Toggle nvim-tree
<leader>w Normal Save file
<leader>W Normal Save all files
<leader>q Normal Save and close file
<leader>Q Normal Save all files and close Neovim
<leader>tq Normal Close current tab
<leader>to Normal Close all other tabs
<leader>th Normal Move tab to left
<leader>tH Normal Move tab to first position
<leader>tl Normal Move tab to right
<leader>tL Normal Move tab to last position
<leader>tj Normal Go to previous tab
<leader>tJ Normal Go to first tab
<leader>tk Normal Go to next tab
<leader>tK Normal Go to last tab
<leader>[ Normal Jump to tag under cursor in a split
<leader>] Normal Jump to tag under cursor in a new tab
<leader>j Normal / Visual Scroll down 10 lines
<leader>J Normal / Visual Scroll down 20 lines
<leader>k Normal / Visual Scroll up 10 lines
<leader>K Normal / Visual Scroll up 20 lines
<leader>sb Normal Toggle scrollbind in windows of current tab
<leader>> Normal Resize current split 10 pixels to left
<leader>< Normal Resize current split 10 pixels to right
<leader>chh Normal Run :checkhealth
<c-h> Normal Jump to left split
<c-j> Normal Jump to bottom split
<c-k> Normal Jump to top split
<c-l> Normal Jump to right split
<leader>H Normal Move window to previous tab
<leader>L Normal Move window to next tab
<leader>G Normal Open git summary window
<leader>vG Normal Open git summary window in vertical split
<leader>tG Normal Open git summary window in new tab
<leader>gaa Normal Execute git add --all
<leader>gd Normal Execute git diff
<leader>gp Normal Execute git push
<leader>gl Normal Execute git pull
<leader>gs Normal Execute git status
<leader>gc Normal Execute git commit
<c-u> Normal / Insert Toggle Uppercase of word under cursor
<c-t> Normal / Insert Toggle Title Case of word under cursor
<c-d> Normal / Insert Remove current line
<leader>ya Normal Copy all text of current file to clipboard
<leader>e Normal Search files with fzf
]t Normal Jump to next TODO comment
[t Normal Jump to previous TODO comment
<leader>/ Normal Clear search highlighting
<leader>rr Normal Run HTTP request under the cursor
<leader>rl Normal Re-run the last HTTP request
<leader>mo Normal (*) Start Markdwon preview
<leader>mc Normal (*) Stop Markdown preview
<leader>mt Normal Toggle Markdown renderer
<leader>f Normal Format current file
<leader>F Normal Format and save current file
H Normal Preview folded lines
<leader>o Normal [N] Add blanklines below current line
<leader>O Normal [N] Add blanklines above current line
]c Normal Jump to next hunk
[c Normal Jump to previous hunk
<leader>hs Normal Stage hunk
<leader>hs Visual Stage selected hunk(s)
<leader>hr Normal Reset hunk
<leader>hr Visual Reset selected hunk(s)
<leader>hS Normal Stage buffer
<leader>hu Normal Unstage hunk
<leader>hR Normal Reset buffer
<leader>hp Normal Preview hunk
<leader>hP Normal Preview hunk inline
<c-a> Insert Insert supermaven suggestion
<c-j> Insert Accept supermaven word suggestion
<c-q> Insert Clear/Cancel supermaven suggestion
- Normal Open mini.files explorer in current file
_ Normal Open mini.files explorer
<F3> Insert / Normal Toggle spell checking
<F5> Normal Reload (re-edit) file
<leader>r Visual Replace selected text in current file
<leader>R Visual Replace selected text in all files
<leader>z Normal Toggle Zen Mode
H Normal / Visual Jump to first non-blank character
L Normal / Visual Jump to last non-blank character
<leader>fs Normal Enable Fullscreen. Only for nvim-qt
<leader>Fs Normal Disable Fullscreen. Only for nvim-qt
<F11> Normal Toggle Fullscreen. Only for neovide

(*): Mappings that show a notify window.

[N]: Mappings that can receive a count.


Abbreviation Mode Expansion
vh Command vertical help
th Command tab help

Markdown mappings

The following mappings just run on *.md files:

Mapping Mode Description
<leader>sat Visual Line Create a table from shell aliases definitions and run FormatWrite

Git integration

This configuration provides a minimal configuration file for integration with git.

To use it, run the following command:

git config --global core.editor "nvim -u ~/.config/nvim/minimal.lua"


If you want to integrate your older configuration or want to extend this configuration, follow next indications:

If you want to integrate more LSP servers, see the list of all available LSP servers. Once you have all software requirements for desired LSP server, you need to:


Fail to install treesitter parser

If you are a Windows user and have problems to install treesitter parser, install zig and retry to install.

Fail to use rest.nvim

If you are a Windows user and have problems to use rest.nvim because of curl --compressed option, you need to prepend the path of the curl binary that comes bundled with git-for-windows to your system PATH.

Run the following commands with powershell as admin:

  • Git 64-bit version:

    $GIT_PATH = "C:\Program Files\Git\mingw64\bin"
  • Git 32-bit version:

    $GIT_PATH = "C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\mingw64\bin"
  • Finally, run:

      "$GIT_PATH;" + [Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("PATH", "MACHINE"),

Fail to use with astro files

If you have problems to use astro files, follow instructions in:

My dotfiles

My dotfiles