Python client library for Google Safe Browsing Update API v4.
The code was developed according to official Developers Guide, however this is not a reference implementation.
Instructions to procure API key can be found here. Please note that v3/v4 key is different from v2.2 API. API v3 key may work with current API v4.
python install
from gglsbl import SafeBrowsingList
sbl = SafeBrowsingList('API KEY GOES HERE')
from gglsbl import SafeBrowsingList
sbl = SafeBrowsingList('API KEY GOES HERE')
bin/ can be used for a quick check or as a code example. --api-key 'API KEY GOES HERE' --onetime
Please mind Request Frequency policy if you are going to use this command for more than a one-time test. --api-key 'API KEY GOES HERE' --check-url --help
Current version of library is fully compatible with both python2.7 and python3.
If you prefer to use older v3 version of Safe Browsing API there is a python3 port of the legacy version made by Stefan.