This Project is made for only educational perpose
Scrraping stock and option data from zeroda .This is for educational purpose
this script creates watchlist of ce and pe in first and second posiition of your watchlist :- this script download data from zeroda
stock_metadata.txt :- in this file all stocks ,their id is stored there is fixed id for stocks but options id change from expiry to expiry
so we have to enter updates id the processses will be: first clear all first 2 watchlist then run Create_WatchList by using appriopiate input string then inspect the page search for marketwach in network section the copy the first two pages info fron response of maeketwatch in stock_metadata make the txt file in same format as i have given
then give input at last of like expirydate and filename in which download reslt to be stored then run
you will get your downloaded data