This project is my first one ever. It was created four weeks into the 16 week CodeClan Software Developer Bootcamp.
Table of Contents
After four weeks of intensive learning when, on day one, it was assumed we hadn't done any coding before, it was time for our first full stack project.
We were given a choice of briefs which varied in complexity of database relationships (ie either a one-to-many or a many-to-many relationship). I ended up adding an extra table, so this app utilises both the many-to-many and a one-to-many relationship.
Here's the brief:
A local gym has asked you to build a piece of software to help them to manage memberships, and register members for classes. MVP
- The app should allow the gym to create and edit Members
- The app should allow the gym to create and edit Classes
- The app should allow the gym to book members on specific classes
- The app should show a list of all upcoming classes
- The app should show all members that are booked in for a particular class
Extensions That I Added:
- Classes could have a maximum capacity, and users can only be added while there is space remaining.
- Users cannot be added twice to one class
- The app has Instructors who can be assigned to a class
- Python
- Flask
- Postgresql
To run this app, you must have:
pip3 install psycopg2
pip3 install Flask
- Clone the repo
git clone
- Navigate via Terminal to the folder
- Create the database
psql -d gym_app -f db/gym_app.sql
- Populate the database with pre-set objects
- Run Flask
flask run
- Open in Chrome:
- To stop the server enter ctrl + c in your Terminal
Helen Langridge - Twitter - LinkedIn
Project Link: