The amazing code repo for all the PROS code of 2021-2022.
This years code controls a 6 motor drivetrain (two left, two center, two right) and a lift, with a pneumatic grip for grabbing the scoring objects. Along with the average driver code and autonomous code successes, we also succeeded in designing a neural network to operate the grip autonomously in any situation. The solution was insanely accurate, and even learned to react to certain situations we hadn't thought of while training it.
- Caleb Buening
- Joey Curnutt
- Mark Dai
- With Stephen Moore as a mentor
- firmware - All the autogenerated stuff used for uploading to the robot
- include - All the files involving the two api's used to interact with the robot: pros and okapi
- src - our code
- main.cpp - Currently contains our auton methods, auton code, and driver code
- Also includes all of COPilot - python code, model files, etc.
- To help with theoretical code, we made an auton helper. Go to to see/use the code