A fast, unopinionated method to play music from your FTC Robot Controller.
To use Jukebox, just drag-and-drop into the Teamcode folder. Here's some example code:
import org.hermitsocialclub.ftc.utils.Jukebox;
public class YourOpMode extends LinearOpMode {
public void runOpMode() {
// Play a short clip using the built-in FTC SDK.
// Place a .wav file in the res/raw/ in Android Studio.
Jukebox.playSoundFromSDK(hardwareMap, "frolic");
// Play a full-on music song using Android's API.
// Place a .wav file **on the phone** in /storage/emulated/0/JukeboxExternalStorage/
// You might have to create the folder if it doesn't already exist.
Jukebox.playSoundFromAndroid(hardwareMap.appContext, "rickroll");
while(opModeActive()) {sleep(1);}
// To stop the music, use the destroy method.
// If you don't, the music will keep on playing after the OpMode is stopped :)