Heroes Profile v0.2.2
What's Changed
- Mobile test for leaderboard page table by @lifeinabstract in #478
- fixed mobile main page popup by @lifeinabstract in #479
- Awards. Party Icons, and Heroes Profile Owner by @Zemill in #481
- Update HeroImageWrapper.vue by @Zemill in #483
- Update HeroImageWrapper.vue by @Zemill in #484
- updates to single match closes #485 closes #469 by @lifeinabstract in #489
- Fixed width on single match page updates #468 by @lifeinabstract in #490
- Single Match page updates by @lifeinabstract in #491
- General fixes by @Zemill in #492
- SingleMatch and other small updates by @lifeinabstract in #496
- Closes #495 by @Zemill in #498
- Update SearchedBattletagHolding.vue by @Zemill in #499
- Battletag Holding component - closes #497 by @lifeinabstract in #500
- Mobile navigation by @lifeinabstract in #501
- Ad implementation by @Zemill in #502
Full Changelog: v0.0.5...v0.2.2