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feat: 微软登录设备代码流,并移除了浏览器验证方式
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Pigeon0v0 committed Jun 1, 2024
1 parent 879fc00 commit 99b2adb
Showing 1 changed file with 61 additions and 85 deletions.
146 changes: 61 additions & 85 deletions Plain Craft Launcher 2/Modules/Minecraft/ModLaunch.vb
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -498,16 +498,17 @@ NextInner:
End If
Dim OAuthTokens As String()
Dim ClientId As String = ""
If Input.OAuthRefreshToken = "" Then
'无 RefreshToken
Dim OAuthCode As String = MsLoginStep1(Data)
Dim OAuthCode As String = MsLoginStep1(Data, ClientId)
If Data.IsAborted Then Throw New ThreadInterruptedException
Data.Progress = 0.2
OAuthTokens = MsLoginStep2(OAuthCode, False)
OAuthTokens = MsLoginStep2(OAuthCode, False, ClientId)
'有 RefreshToken
OAuthTokens = MsLoginStep2(Input.OAuthRefreshToken, True)
OAuthTokens = MsLoginStep2(Input.OAuthRefreshToken, True, ClientId)
End If
If OAuthTokens(0) = "Relogin" Then GoTo Relogin
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -797,100 +798,75 @@ LoginFinish:
End Try
End Function

'微软登录步骤 1:打开网页认证,获取 OAuth Code
Private Function MsLoginStep1(Data As LoaderTask(Of McLoginMs, McLoginResult)) As String
'微软登录步骤 1:获取 DeviceCode 并显示验证提示
Private Function MsLoginStep1(Data As LoaderTask(Of McLoginMs, McLoginResult), ClientId As String) As String
McLaunchLog("开始微软登录步骤 1")
If True OrElse OsVersion <= New Version(10, 0, 17763, 0) Then '由于 #3849,WebBrowser 已经无法正常加载微软登录网页了
'Windows 7 或老版 Windows 10 登录
Dim Result As String =
"登录完成后,网页会变得完全空白,把那个空白网页的网址复制到下面的框中就行了!" & vbCrLf &
"如果网络环境不佳,它可能一直加载不出来,那就只能试试用 VPN 或加速器了。",
ValidateRules:=New ObjectModel.Collection(Of Validate) From {New ValidateRegex("(?<=code\=)[^&]+", "返回网址应以 开头")},
If Result Is Nothing Then
McLaunchLog("微软登录已在步骤 1 被取消")
Throw New ThreadInterruptedException("$$")
Return RegexSeek(Result, "(?<=code\=)[^&]+")
End If
Hint("网页登录成功,你可以关闭浏览器啦!", HintType.Finish)
'Windows 10 登录
Dim ReturnCode As String = Nothing
Dim ReturnEx As Exception = Nothing
Dim IsFinished As LoadState = LoadState.Loading
Dim LoginForm As FormLoginOAuth = Nothing
Dim IsSwitchToSystemBrowser As Boolean = False
LoginForm = New FormLoginOAuth
AddHandler LoginForm.OnLoginSuccess, Sub(Code As String)
ReturnCode = Code
IsFinished = LoadState.Finished
End Sub
AddHandler LoginForm.OnLoginCanceled, Sub(IsSwitch As Boolean)
IsFinished = LoadState.Aborted
IsSwitchToSystemBrowser = IsSwitch
End Sub
Catch ex As Exception
ReturnEx = ex
IsFinished = LoadState.Failed
End Try
End Sub)
Do While IsFinished = LoadState.Loading AndAlso Not Data.IsAborted
RunInUi(Sub() If LoginForm IsNot Nothing Then LoginForm.Close())
If IsFinished = LoadState.Finished Then
Return ReturnCode
ElseIf IsFinished = LoadState.Failed Then
Throw ReturnEx
ElseIf IsSwitchToSystemBrowser Then
McLaunchLog("微软登录在步骤 1 要求切换到系统浏览器")
GoTo SystemBrowser
McLaunchLog("微软登录已在步骤 1 被取消")
Throw New ThreadInterruptedException("$$")
End If
End If

Dim DeviceCode As String
Dim UserCode As String
Dim VerifyUri As String
Dim ExpiresIn As String
Dim Request As String = "client_id=" & ClientId & "&" & "scope=XboxLive.signin%20offline_access"
Dim Result As String = NetRequestMulty("", "POST", Request, "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", 2)

Dim ResultJson As JObject = GetJson(Result)
DeviceCode = ResultJson("device_code")
UserCode = ResultJson("user_code")
VerifyUri = ResultJson("verification_uri")
ExpiresIn = ResultJson("expires_in")
MyMsgBox("请在打开的网页里输入 PCL2 提供的设备代码并登录微软账户,然后允许 PCL2 访问相关信息。" & vbCrLf & "设备代码有时效性,若操作时间过长需要重新进行登录流程。" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "本次验证的设备代码为:" & UserCode & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "你也可以在任意设备上打开下列网址进行验证:" & vbCrLf & VerifyUri & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "请在完成后点击继续。", "正版验证", "继续")
Return DeviceCode
End Function

'微软登录步骤 2:从 OAuth Code 或 OAuth RefreshToken 获取 {OAuth AccessToken, OAuth RefreshToken}
Private Function MsLoginStep2(Code As String, IsRefresh As Boolean) As String()
Private Function MsLoginStep2(Code As String, IsRefresh As Boolean, ClientId As String, Optional ExpiresIn As String = "900") As String()
McLaunchLog("开始微软登录步骤 2(" & If(IsRefresh, "", "非") & "刷新登录)")

Dim Request As String
If IsRefresh Then
Request = "client_id=00000000402b5328" & "&" &
Request = "grant_type=refresh_token" & "&" &
"client_id=" & ClientId & "&" &
"device_code=" & Code & "&" &
"refresh_token=" & Uri.EscapeDataString(Code) & "&" &
"grant_type=refresh_token" & "&" &
"redirect_uri=" & Uri.EscapeDataString("") & "&" &
"scope=" & Uri.EscapeDataString("")
Request = "client_id=00000000402b5328" & "&" &
"code=" & Uri.EscapeDataString(Code) & "&" &
"grant_type=authorization_code" & "&" &
"redirect_uri=" & Uri.EscapeDataString("") & "&" &
"scope=" & Uri.EscapeDataString("")
Request = "grant_type=urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:device_code" & "&" &
"client_id=" & ClientId & "&" &
"device_code=" & Code & "&" &
End If
Dim Result As String
Result = NetRequestMulty("", "POST", Request, "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", 2)
Catch ex As Exception
If ex.Message.Contains("must sign in again") OrElse ex.Message.Contains("invalid_grant") Then '#269
Return {"Relogin", ""}
Dim stopwatch As Stopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew()

While stopwatch.Elapsed < TimeSpan.FromSeconds(ExpiresIn)
Result = NetRequestMulty("", "POST", Request, "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", 2)
Catch ex As Exception
If ex.Message.Contains("must sign in again") OrElse ex.Message.Contains("invalid_grant") Then '#269
Return {"Relogin", ""}
ElseIf ex.Message.Contains("authorization_declined") Then
ElseIf ex.Message.Contains("expired_token") Then
ElseIf ex.Message.Contains("AADSTS70016") Then
Continue While
End If
End Try

If Result IsNot Nothing Then
Dim ResultJson As JObject = GetJson(Result)
Dim AccessToken As String = ResultJson("access_token").ToString
Dim RefreshToken As String = ResultJson("refresh_token").ToString
Return {AccessToken, RefreshToken}
End If
End Try
End While


Dim ResultJson As JObject = GetJson(Result)
Dim AccessToken As String = ResultJson("access_token").ToString
Dim RefreshToken As String = ResultJson("refresh_token").ToString
Return {AccessToken, RefreshToken}
End Function
'微软登录步骤 3:从 OAuth AccessToken 获取 XBLToken
Private Function MsLoginStep3(AccessToken As String) As String
Expand All @@ -900,7 +876,7 @@ SystemBrowser:
""Properties"": {
""AuthMethod"": ""RPS"",
""SiteName"": """",
""RpsTicket"": """ & AccessToken & """
""RpsTicket"": ""d=" & AccessToken & """
""RelyingParty"": """",
""TokenType"": ""JWT""
Expand Down

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