An open source bipedal robot control framework for Hi robot with serial ankle joint, based on nonlinear MPC and WBC.
OCS2 is a huge monorepo; DO NOT try to compile the whole repo. You only need to compile ocs2_legged_robot_ros
and its dependencies by following the steps below.
You are supposed to clone the OCS2, pinocchio, and hpp-fcl as described in the documentation of OCS2.
# Clone OCS2
git clone
# Clone pinocchio
git clone --recurse-submodules
# Clone hpp-fcl
git clone --recurse-submodules
# Clone ocs2_robotic_assets
git clone
# Install dependencies
sudo apt install liburdfdom-dev liboctomap-dev libassimp-dev
Compile the ocs2_legged_robot_ros
package with catkin toolsinstead of catkin_make
. It will take you about ten minutes.
catkin config -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo
catkin build ocs2_legged_robot_ros ocs2_self_collision_visualization
# Clone
mkdir -p <catkin_ws_name>/src
cd <catkin_ws_name>/src
git clone
# Clone SDK
git clone
# Install dependencies
sudo apt install libserialport0 libserialport-dev libreadline-dev
# Build
cd <catkin_ws_name>
catkin init
catkin config -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo
# for different use build
# gazebo simulation
catkin build pi_controllers pi_description pi_gazebo
# real robot deploy
catkin build pi_controllers pi_description pi_bridge_hw
# Robot hardware
catkin build pi* yesense* livelybot*
Run the gazebo simulation and load the controller:
roslaunch pi_controllers one_start_gazebo.launch
Notes: After the user starts the simulation, the robot will fall down in Gazebo. Firstly the user needs to set kp_position=60, kd_position=1 with rqt and reset the simulation by pressing Ctrl+Shift+R to reset robot.
Check port permissions of IMU devices and motor devices.
ls /dev/tty*
There will be five ACM devices, which are interfaces between imu and motors. Give them permissions so that the controller can read and write IO.
sudo chmod 777 /dev/tty*
Then you can launch the robot hardware.
roslaunch pi_controllers one_start_real.launch
Press A button Reset State Estimator
push the left joystick once,then press LB to load controller.
Press RB to set walk (Unnecessary for Hi).
Use the joystick to publish command velocity.
- reset_estimation
rostopic pub --once /reset_estimation std_msgs/Float32 "data: 0.0"
- load_controller
rostopic pub --once /load_controller std_msgs/Float32 "data: 0.0"
- publish a initial velocity with rqt gui tool
rosrun rqt_robot_steering rqt_robot_steering
- set_walk
rostopic pub --once /set_walk std_msgs/Float32 "data: 0.0"
# State Estimation
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