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Porting Godot 4: OS

Caroline Joy Bell edited this page Apr 15, 2024 · 1 revision


The OS singleton is essentially Godot's translator into a lot of your platform's low level features. It's used for various things like setting up/running a main loop, to getting the tick offset, to displaying errors, etc.

Compared to some other features to implement, implementing an OS singleton class is very rigid, with a lot of specific functions expected by the engine. Luckily, a decent chunk of those functions are only relevant within the engine's code, as in they do not need to be redefined in an OS derived class for a platform.

What MUST Be Implemented

Public functions:

  • print(): Used by Godot to print information to terminal
  • printerr(): Used by Godot to print errors to terminal
  • alert(): An OS/system native way to create a warning popup
  • add_logger()
  • set_cmdline()
  • ensure_user_data_dir()
  • initialize()
  • finalize()
  • finalize_core()
  • delay_usec()
  • get_ticks_usec()
  • benchmark_begin_measure()
  • benchmark_end_measure()
  • benchmark_dump()
  • set_use_benchmark(bool benchmark)
  • set_benchmark_file(String file)
  • set_current_rendering_driver_name(String name)
  • set_current_rendering_method(String method)
  • get_cmdline_platform_args()
  • set_cwd(String p)
  • set_environment()
  • unset_environment()
  • run(): Starts your platform's main loop.
  • get_main_loop()
  • set_main_loop()
  • delete_main_loop()
  • add_frame_delay()
  • set_exit_code()
  • setup_remote_filesystem()
  • set_display_driver_id()
  • set_low_processor_usage_mode()
  • set_low_processor_usage_mode_sleep_usec()
  • set_delta_smoothing()
  • get_executable_path()
  • set_exit_code()
  • get_render_thread_mode()
  • initialize_joypads()
  • get_bundle_icon_path()
  • is_in_low_processor_mode()
  • is_start_on_exit_set()
  • get_restart_on_exit_arguments()
  • create_instance(List<String> args)
  • set_restart_on_exit()

Public variables:

  • OS::RenderThreadMode _render_thread_mode
  • bool _verbose_stdout
  • List<String> _cmdline
  • List <String> _user_args
  • String _execpath
  • String _local_clipboard