MultiThreading is a java class to use the ExecutorService. It permits you to launch runnable async, to create repeating task or to schedule a task with a delay.
Repeating scheduler:
MultiThreading.schedule(runnable, initialDelay, interval, TimeUnit.YOURTIMES);
Delayed scheduler:
MultiThreading.schedule(runnable, delay, TimeUnit.YOURTIMES);
Async scheduler:
// Useful to repeat a Runnable with a difned amount of time
MultiThreading.schedule(() -> {
System.out.println("This scheduler will start after 5 seconds");
System.out.println("And repeat this runnable every 10 seconds.");
}, 5, 10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
// Useful to start a runnable after a defined amount of time
MultiThreading.schedule(() -> {
System.out.println("This scheduler will run after 5 seconds");
}, 5, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
// Useful to save file or to save data in MySQL or MongoDB
MultiThreading.runAsync(() -> {
if (configuration != null);