This plugin offers the possibility to clean OFFLINE.Mall plugin data.
The OFFLINE.Mall plugin generates shopping carts for each visitor to the site, and these can be present in very large numbers if your site is visited by robots.
Visitors can also simulate orders without paying for them.
This plugin will clean up your database of these superfluous elements by either :
Let assume you're in the root of your wintercms installation
Just run this command
composer require hounddd/wn-mallcleaner
Clone this repo into your winter plugins folder.
cd plugins
mkdir hounddd && cd hounddd
git clone mallcleaner
This plugin adds an artisan console command to clean up data.
Run all available cleaners.
php artisan mall:cleaner all
Cleans all carts with no products.
php artisan mall:cleaner empty-carts
Cleans all unpaid orders.
php artisan mall:cleaner unpaid-orders
) : The retention period in days to keep data. Default to 120 days. Pass option with a value to specify another retention period, eg:--days=40
for 40 days.--dry-run
: Simulate the cleaning process and get information about what is about to be deleted. No data will be deleted
OFFLINE.Gdpr plugin offers data retention functionality enables you to delete old plugin data after a specified amount of days.
You can specify the data retention policy for each plugin via Winter's backend settings.
You can trigger the Gdpr plugin cleanup on demand via
php artisan gdpr:cleanup
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