Expense tracking application Frontend is developed using React Navit, React and its packages. Backend is developed using FastApi and SQL Model under the hood. Tokens are generated from backend for authentication of users, and frontend sends the token with HTTP requests.
Install expo globally:
$ npm install -g expo-cli
Install dependencies:
$ npm install
Run Application:
$ expo start
Jest and react-test-renderer is used for teting purposes.
To run tests
$ npm run test
Eslint is used for linting. All Linting error are fixed apart from lengths on code comment or typing (It is partially fixed on certain screens/components)
To run linting on a directory
$ npx eslint [Directory Name]
Run below command on a directory (If Eslint installed globally)
$ npm eslint [Directory Name]
Fix Linting error
$ npm eslint [Directory Name] --fix
To run linting on file
$ npx eslint [File Name].js or $ npx eslint [File Name].js --fix
HTTP is configured to call API running on a localhost . Ensure server is running before using the application running on Expo.
Go to the project directory
cd Backend/expense_app
Install dependencies
poetry install
Start the server
poetry run uvicorn ExpenseApp.main:app --reload
Note: The server will run on localhost: and Swagger documents could be access from a link . Please ensure localhost is not in use with other application running in background, otherwise, it will give error.
It is assumed that Poetry is already installed in the system. If it is not installed then please follow the installation guide from official documentation before executing the above commands. Peotry Installation
Alternative procedure to run using PIP
Create a virtual envoirnment
python -m venv expense_app
Go to the project directory
cd my-project [It should be /expense_app or any preceding directory]
Install dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
Start the server
uvicorn ExpenseApp.main:app --reload
Database (sqlite3) is also included for ease to refer the existing data already created while testing the application. You can access the user test1 with the following credentials:
- Username: test1
- Passwrod: test1
New users could be easily created using the signup screen from the front end and user specific expense/income transaction could also be posted once user is created and backend is live on a local host.
Frontend: ReactNative, React,
Backend: FastAPI, SQLModel