What's Changed
- Update Readme.md typo-fixed by @ysfcndgr in #1554
- typo fixed by @ysfcndgr in #1867
- impl candidate node by @akibax in #1985
- fix candidate nodes by @akibax in #1987
- Fixed the number of honor node connections and honor candidate node by @akibax in #1994
- Fix candidate honor node status by @akibax in #1995
- fixed connectivity by @akibax in #1997
- fixed rollbacksHash by @akibax in #1998
- Fixed candidate honor nodes by @akibax in #1999
- Optimize api parameters by @group-monkey in #2002
- Merge pull request #1 from IBAX-io/main by @powerpook in #2003
- improved classify txs by @scottafk in #2004
- Merge Utxo && Smart contract to group by @scottafk in #2005
- Fixed block generation, transaction execution, consensus by @akibax in #2006
- Update raw.go by @powerpook in #2007
- rollback outputs by @powerpook in #2008
- Improved process tx and col by @scottafk in #2009
- fix gas when tx exec err by @scottafk in #2010
- fix bug outputIndex by @powerpook in #2011
- fixed consensus by @akibax in #2012
- Improved block by @scottafk in #2013
- Fixed Connectivity and Consensus by @akibax in #2014
- fixed sql syntax err, changed perm by @scottafk in #2015
- UTXO supports multiple ecosystems by @powerpook in #2016
- fixed consensus by @akibax in #2017
- Add UTXO account balance query by @group-monkey in #2018
- Update custom_tx.go by @powerpook in #2020
- Update custom_tx.go by @powerpook in #2022
- fix UTXO TransferSelf bug by @powerpook in #2023
- Improved code by @scottafk in #2026
- fixed tx execute by @akibax in #2029
- Upgrade go 1.19 by @powerpook in #2030
- Bugfix: vm variable collides by @scottafk in #2034
- fixed disseminator and block time by @akibax in #2035
- fixed txs check limit by @akibax in #2036
- Fixed vm script by @scottafk in #2037
- Solve the question unmarshal transaction nil pointer Optimize getuid and login interface parameters by @group-monkey in #2038
- UtxoToken Transaction taxes and fees by @powerpook in #2039
- change condition by @scottafk in #2040
- Update first_block.go by @powerpook in #2041
- Fixed vm of runtime by @scottafk in #2042
- Fix vm stack by @scottafk in #2043
- Fix type check for vm by @scottafk in #2046
- UTXO combustion percent and expediteFee by @powerpook in #2047
- Fix data type check by @scottafk in #2049
- Fix new user and guest by @scottafk in #2050
- Fix contract result in vm by @scottafk in #2051
- Fix nil reflect typeof by @scottafk in #2053
- Fix 0 and 1 for evaluate by @scottafk in #2054
- The UTXO type is added by @powerpook in #2055
- Fix gas for combustion by @scottafk in #2056
- Update smart_p.go by @powerpook in #2057
- support ecosystem 'utxo_fee' parameter settings by @powerpook in #2058
- Add get balance api token symbol by @group-monkey in #2059
- fix: ecosystem default 1 and TransferSelf history by @powerpook in #2064
- Fix call func zero variable by @scottafk in #2066
- Rm unused code by @scottafk in #2068
- Fix statement injection of incorrect results by @scottafk in #2069
- Improve template & api by @scottafk in #2070
- DBFind().Where() support []byte value by @powerpook in #2071
- add TeEmission, rm not allow create address for main by @scottafk in #2072
- change IsTestMode by @scottafk in #2073
- remove unused code by @group-monkey in #2074
- Fix tx unmarshall by @scottafk in #2076
- Repair synchronization block by @akibax in #2093
- Fix runtime and tx by @scottafk in #2094
- Add digits by @scottafk in #2096
- add funs EthereumAddress、GetLogTxCount by @powerpook in #2098
- Fix gas adapter by @scottafk in #2099
- fix UTXO gas adapter by @powerpook in #2100
- Update gas.go by @scottafk in #2101
- fix UTXO gas adapter by @powerpook in #2103
- rm element fee, fix tx rollback by @scottafk in #2104
- Fix the sorting of json fields by @scottafk in #2106
- Update err for not enough fee by @scottafk in #2107
- Update gas by @scottafk in #2108
- fix UTXO gas adapter by @powerpook in #2109
- Improve gas by @scottafk in #2110
- Update protocol.go by @powerpook in #2112
- Simplify the candidate node structure on the block by @akibax in #2114
- Add JSON-RPC by @group-monkey in #2115
- Fix info block missing data on rollback by @scottafk in #2116
- Update version 1.4.0 by @scottafk in #2117
- Add sql select json query support by @group-monkey in #2118
- Update smart_contract.go by @powerpook in #2119
- version bump to 1.4.2 by @scottafk in #2120
New Contributors
- @ysfcndgr made their first contribution in #1554
- @akibax made their first contribution in #1985
- @group-monkey made their first contribution in #2002
- @powerpook made their first contribution in #2003
- @scottafk made their first contribution in #2004
Full Changelog: https://github.com/IBAX-io/go-ibax/commits/v1.4.2