This project was generated with Angular CLI.
It represents different views on a schedule stored in a google sheet which is also connected to a conference app, made with
Run ng serve --port=4200 --live-reload=true
for a dev server. Navigate to http://localhost:4200/
. The app will automatically reload if you change any of the source files.
Run ng build --prod --output-path docs --base-href /iccm-eu-2020/
to build the project. The build artifacts will be stored in the docs/
Copy docs/index.html to docs/404.html to allow all content to be provided on github.
Access the production pages at
The spreadsheet needs to contain at least (see spreadsheetIDs.ts and spreadsheet-data-service.ts) the following entities:
- Tab "Sessions"
- Session (Title of the time slot)
- Date & Time (in DateTime format)
- Time (Text describing the time in natural language)
- End Date & Time (in DateTime format)
- Room (Name of the room)
- Speaker (Name of the person who will lead the sessions)
- Description
Publish the spreadsheet URL read-only for everybody with a link to it.
- Setup an API key at
- Restrict the API key to Website* or your respective URL
- Restrict the API key to the Sheets API.
- Configure the key in spreadsheetIDs.ts
- Make sure that the link does not allow editing. Everybody will be able to read the spreadsheet link and use it for editing then.
- Make sure the spreadsheet does not contain a sub-sheet with confidential information. It will be publicly readable.
In Git Pages, enable the {{github-pages}} plugin, direct it to the "docs/" directory.
To get more help on the Angular CLI use ng help
or go check out the Angular CLI README.