is a simple tool that creates a contact plot from a bam file.
requires the graphics library GD. Currently test using GD v2.3.0
git submodule update --init --recursive
pushd src/htslib/
autoheader && autoconf
make lib-static
Usage: hic-viz [OPTION...] <BAM> hic-viz -- Simple hi-c contact plotting -o, --out FILE Output file (default: stdout) -t, --type TYPE Image format [png,jpeg,tiff,bmp] (default: png) -r, --region FILE List of sequences to include (default: all) Can be space, tab, or newline delimited -s, --plot-size INT Size of contact map in pixels (default: 3000) Actual plot will be larger due to sequence names -p, --palette PALETTE Palette of contact map (default: rocket) Valid options are magma, inferno, mako, rocket, or grey -h, --help Give this help list Report bugs to github.com/IGBB/hic-viz.