This simulator allows to reproduce the simulation results of the paper "Single-Antenna Jammers in MIMO-OFDM Can Resemble Multi-Antenna Jammers", G. Marti and C. Studer, IEEE COMML, 2023, as well as the simulation of systems with different parameters.
(c) 2023 Gian Marti
email: [email protected]
If you are using this simulator (or parts of it) for a publication, then you must cite the following paper:
"Single-Antenna Jammers in MIMO-OFDM Can Resemble Multi-Antenna Jammers", G. Marti and C. Studer, IEEE Comm. Lett., 2023.
Simply run matlab sim_OFDM_jammer.m
All configurable parameters are located at the start of the script.
Version 0.1: [email protected] - initial version for GitHub release.