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Martin Wiesmann edited this page Feb 12, 2024 · 25 revisions

Here is a collection of some tools that are unspecific to any project.

  • PARCHECK This procedure checks whether a given parameter is valid. It can check for data type, number of dimensions, number of elements, data range, structure name, object name or time format.

  • WRITE_IMAGE_REAL_SIZE This routine creates images that have the exact desired size, by default 1 data pixel corresponds exactly to 1 image pixel. Axis ranges and titles can optionally be provided.

  • ANA2FITS This procedure saves all information of one or more ANA structures into a FITS file. ANA structures are used in CFIT, CFit_BLOCK, XCFIT, and XCFIT_BLOCK.

  • FITS2ANA This function reads a FITS file that was written by ANA2FITS and returns one or more ANA structures.

  • GENERATE_ADEF This function finds peaks and widths of lines in a given spectrum. It returns those values in form of fit components, defined in mk_comp_gauss().

  • GET_LAST_PRSTEP_KEYWORD This function searches a FITS keyword header for all processing step keywords defined in the Solarnet_Metadata_Recommendations document.

  • OSLO_FITS_UTIL This is an object with methods to manipulate a FITS keyword header.

  • DEFAULT It supplies default values for variables.

  • CHECK_EQUALITY A tool to compare two values, allows the difference to have som tolerance, or the values to be NAN or INF.

  • SPICE_CENTER_OVERLAY_WINDOW Centers a top-level base relative to another one.

  • SPICE_CENTER_WINDOW Centers a top-level base on the screen.

  • WIDGET_POSITIONER This object can be used to position a new widget relative to another widget, or relative to the screen. This also works with multiple screens.


  • VECTOR2POLYGON This function computes the convex hull, a polygon, that encloses all input points.






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