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TO DO done
- current TO-DO list
- A more complete list of work done in 2022
- make string array default output, change the switch to struct
- read in all headers, not only for the windows
- use fxpar instead of structure
- init_all_cubes: do not initialise with value zero, but with initial value of parameters, and missing for Chi^2## method mk_analysis
- make sure changed keywords are backwards-compatible. If not, keep old one, and add warning
- create an interface for level 3 files, before opening it in xcfit_block
- user should not save in official directory
- create level2/3 control window (overview of the content of level 2/3 file and create/open windows)
- official l3 should not be editable
- let user copy windows from official to user version
- do not show 'other' version, but show 'other' in 3rd column if necessary
- add a filter for studytyp and purpose and slit_wid
- incorporate somehow $SPICE_DATA/user/
add a button to create a level 3 file, check if it already exists, and open the old one if desired
- button exists now, but needs to have more options etc...
add mask_regions_outside_slit on/off in xcontrol and call this function before calling a ql software.~~
- Or possibly add this toggle in the ql software, so that the user can toggle while looking at it. Now masking is by default on, except on xdetector.
check window size for spice_xcontrol_l23, too big on laptop -> adjust
clean up method xcfit_block (several methods)
rename create_l3 -> create_l3_file
add keyword output_filename
- added instead keyword top_dir. I do not want to change the filenames if possible
save files in $SPICE_DATA/user/level3/…
create method mk_analysis which returns ana.
delete RESULT, RESIDual, INCLUDE, CONST in call to mk_analysis
rename some keywords, see here
data cube should be the original data cube, i.e. same rekkefølge
- reading the level 3 FITS file needs to retransform the data cube, according to XDIMTYnn keyword(s)
ANA structure, gauss fits parameter names, change in mk_comp_gauss
- Amplitude -> intensity
- Position -> velocity (if TRANS_B is not 0), lambda otherwise
- find out how to get velocity through xcfit_block
- Width -> width
Create method to make jpeg of each fit parameter
- jpeg file name: ......_WINNO_CMPNO_parameter.jpeg
- ........ = solo_L3_spice-n-sit_20210425T224556_V01_50331981-000
- drop WINNO for demonstration, and use window with CIII line
Write method to create l3 files and jpeg images
- Write a wrapper to create multiple l3 files and optionally images
- Write general tool to make images from l3 files
Add keyword PUNITnna, containing the unit of each parameter
Remove some unnecessary keywords: ANA_SRC, ANA_FILE, ANA_DEF, ANA_LABL, PVALnna
ANA_HIST should go into HISTORY
Rename some keywords:
drop extensions
- 1. round: residuals
- 2. round: lambda, instead include WCS values to recalculate lambda (but lambda is still optional and if present has priority)
- 3. round: include, const, weights
- check when saving FITS file, whether they have default values, if not save in FITS file
- 4. round: data? link to level 2 file or create dummy data
level 2 keywords should be in data extension, not in results extension
May have to translate CMPTYPnn from and to IDL/FITS, see SOLARNET_Metadata_Recommendations_v1.6
- Need also translation back from FITS to IDL?
ANA_MISS can be removed, missing data should be NAN, translate on in/output (ceil(min(DATA)-1)
- 1-exposure data needs to be displayed properly, implement show_result everywhere
- remove data/result/residual_display_h but use instead sigrange from xtvscale
- complete it
- Add short recipes in README and link to them from the wiki