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[BlockSparseArrays] Improve the design of block views (#1481)
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* [NDTensors] Bump to v0.3.19
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mtfishman authored Jun 3, 2024
1 parent 83546e7 commit c3eb3e7
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Showing 13 changed files with 222 additions and 30 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion NDTensors/Project.toml
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@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
name = "NDTensors"
uuid = "23ae76d9-e61a-49c4-8f12-3f1a16adf9cf"
authors = ["Matthew Fishman <[email protected]>"]
version = "0.3.18"
version = "0.3.19"

Accessors = "7d9f7c33-5ae7-4f3b-8dc6-eff91059b697"
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Expand Up @@ -80,8 +80,8 @@ const elts = (Float32, Float64, Complex{Float32}, Complex{Float64})
@testset "dual axes" begin
r = gradedrange([U1(0) => 2, U1(1) => 2])
a = BlockSparseArray{elt}(dual(r), r)
a[Block(1, 1)] = randn(size(a[Block(1, 1)]))
a[Block(2, 2)] = randn(size(a[Block(2, 2)]))
a[Block(1, 1)] = randn(elt, size(a[Block(1, 1)]))
a[Block(2, 2)] = randn(elt, size(a[Block(2, 2)]))
a_dense = Array(a)
@test eachindex(a) == CartesianIndices(size(a))
for I in eachindex(a)
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Expand Up @@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ using BlockArrays:
Expand All @@ -29,6 +30,36 @@ function sub_axis(a::AbstractUnitRange, indices::AbstractUnitRange)
return only(axes(blockedunitrange_getindices(a, indices)))

# TODO: Use `GradedAxes.blockedunitrange_getindices`.
# Outputs a `BlockUnitRange`.
function sub_axis(a::AbstractUnitRange, indices::BlockSlice{<:BlockRange{1}})
return sub_axis(a, indices.block)

# TODO: Use `GradedAxes.blockedunitrange_getindices`.
# Outputs a `BlockUnitRange`.
function sub_axis(a::AbstractUnitRange, indices::BlockSlice{<:Block{1}})
return sub_axis(a, Block(indices))

# TODO: Use `GradedAxes.blockedunitrange_getindices`.
# Outputs a `BlockUnitRange`.
function sub_axis(a::AbstractUnitRange, indices::BlockSlice{<:BlockIndexRange{1}})
return sub_axis(a, indices.block)

# TODO: Use `GradedAxes.blockedunitrange_getindices`.
# Outputs a `BlockUnitRange`.
function sub_axis(a::AbstractUnitRange, indices::Block)
return only(axes(blockedunitrange_getindices(a, indices)))

# TODO: Use `GradedAxes.blockedunitrange_getindices`.
# Outputs a `BlockUnitRange`.
function sub_axis(a::AbstractUnitRange, indices::BlockIndexRange)
return only(axes(blockedunitrange_getindices(a, indices)))

# TODO: Use `GradedAxes.blockedunitrange_getindices`.
# Outputs a `BlockUnitRange`.
function sub_axis(a::AbstractUnitRange, indices::AbstractVector{<:Block})
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -131,6 +162,14 @@ function blockrange(axis::AbstractUnitRange, r::BlockSlice)
return blockrange(axis, r.block)

function blockrange(axis::AbstractUnitRange, r::Block{1})
return r:r

function blockrange(axis::AbstractUnitRange, r::BlockIndexRange)
return Block(r):Block(r)

function blockrange(axis::AbstractUnitRange, r)
return error("Slicing not implemented for range of type `$(typeof(r))`.")
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Expand Up @@ -16,7 +16,18 @@ end

# Materialize a SubArray view.
function ArrayLayouts.sub_materialize(layout::BlockLayout{<:SparseLayout}, a, axes)
# TODO: Make more generic for GPU.
a_dest = BlockSparseArray{eltype(a)}(axes)
a_dest .= a
return a_dest

# Materialize a SubArray view.
function ArrayLayouts.sub_materialize(
layout::BlockLayout{<:SparseLayout}, a, axes::Tuple{Vararg{Base.OneTo}}
# TODO: Make more generic for GPU.
a_dest = Array{eltype(a)}(undef, length.(axes))
a_dest .= a
return a_dest
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -32,8 +32,14 @@ function SparseArrayInterface.sparse_map!(
for I in union_stored_blocked_cartesianindices(a_dest, a_srcs...)
BI_dest = blockindexrange(a_dest, I)
BI_srcs = map(a_src -> blockindexrange(a_src, I), a_srcs)
block_dest = @view a_dest[_block(BI_dest)]
block_srcs = ntuple(i -> @view(a_srcs[i][_block(BI_srcs[i])]), length(a_srcs))
# TODO: Investigate why this doesn't work:
# block_dest = @view a_dest[_block(BI_dest)]
block_dest = blocks(a_dest)[Int.(Tuple(_block(BI_dest)))...]
# TODO: Investigate why this doesn't work:
# block_srcs = ntuple(i -> @view(a_srcs[i][_block(BI_srcs[i])]), length(a_srcs))
block_srcs = ntuple(length(a_srcs)) do i
return blocks(a_srcs[i])[Int.(Tuple(_block(BI_srcs[i])))...]
subblock_dest = @view block_dest[BI_dest.indices...]
subblock_srcs = ntuple(i -> @view(block_srcs[i][BI_srcs[i].indices...]), length(a_srcs))
# TODO: Use `map!!` to handle immutable blocks.
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@@ -1,9 +1,5 @@
using BlockArrays: BlockIndexRange, BlockRange, BlockSlice, block

function blocksparse_view(a::AbstractArray, index::Block)
return blocks(a)[Int.(Tuple(index))...]

# TODO: Define `AnyBlockSparseVector`.
function Base.view(a::BlockSparseArrayLike{<:Any,N}, index::Block{N}) where {N}
return blocksparse_view(a, index)
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Expand Up @@ -55,7 +55,20 @@ function Base.getindex(a::BlockSparseArrayLike{<:Any,2}, I::Vararg{AbstractUnitR
return ArrayLayouts.layout_getindex(a, I...)

function Base.isassigned(a::BlockSparseArrayLike, index::Vararg{Block})
function Base.getindex(a::BlockSparseArrayLike{<:Any,N}, block::Block{N}) where {N}
return blocksparse_getindex(a, block)
function Base.getindex(
a::BlockSparseArrayLike{<:Any,N}, block::Vararg{Block{1},N}
) where {N}
return blocksparse_getindex(a, block...)

# TODO: Define `issasigned(a, ::Block{N})`.
function Base.isassigned(
a::BlockSparseArrayLike{<:Any,N}, index::Vararg{Block{1},N}
) where {N}
# TODO: Define `blocksparse_isassigned`.
return isassigned(blocks(a), Int.(index)...)

Expand All @@ -64,6 +77,12 @@ function Base.setindex!(a::BlockSparseArrayLike{<:Any,N}, value, I::BlockIndex{N
return a

function Base.setindex!(
a::BlockSparseArrayLike{<:Any,N}, value, I::Vararg{Block{1},N}
) where {N}
a[Block(Int.(I))] = value
return a
function Base.setindex!(a::BlockSparseArrayLike{<:Any,N}, value, I::Block{N}) where {N}
blocksparse_setindex!(a, value, I)
return a
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Expand Up @@ -19,6 +19,14 @@ function blocksparse_getindex(a::AbstractArray{<:Any,N}, I::Vararg{Int,N}) where
return a[findblockindex.(axes(a), I)...]

function blocksparse_getindex(a::AbstractArray{<:Any,N}, I::Block{N}) where {N}
return blocksparse_getindex(a, Tuple(I)...)
function blocksparse_getindex(a::AbstractArray{<:Any,N}, I::Vararg{Block{1},N}) where {N}
# TODO: Avoid copy if the block isn't stored.
return copy(blocks(a)[Int.(I)...])

# TODO: Implement as `copy(@view a[I...])`, which is then implemented
# through `ArrayLayouts.sub_materialize`.
using ..SparseArrayInterface: set_getindex_zero_function
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -59,21 +67,41 @@ function blocksparse_setindex!(a::AbstractArray{<:Any,N}, value, I::Vararg{Int,N

function blocksparse_setindex!(a::AbstractArray{<:Any,N}, value, I::BlockIndex{N}) where {N}
a_b = view(a, block(I))
i = Int.(Tuple(block(I)))
a_b = blocks(a)[i...]
a_b[I.α...] = value
# Set the block, required if it is structurally zero
a[block(I)] = a_b
# Set the block, required if it is structurally zero.
blocks(a)[i...] = a_b
return a

function blocksparse_setindex!(a::AbstractArray{<:Any,N}, value, I::Block{N}) where {N}
# TODO: Create a conversion function, say `CartesianIndex(Int.(Tuple(I)))`.
i = I.n
blocksparse_setindex!(a, value, Tuple(I)...)
return a
function blocksparse_setindex!(
a::AbstractArray{<:Any,N}, value, I::Vararg{Block{1},N}
) where {N}
i = Int.(I)
@boundscheck blockcheckbounds(a, i...)
# TODO: Use `blocksizes(a)[i...]` when we upgrade to
# BlockArrays.jl v1.
if size(value) size(view(a, I...))
return throw(
DimensionMismatch("Trying to set a block with an array of the wrong size.")
blocks(a)[i...] = value
return a

function blocksparse_view(a::AbstractArray{<:Any,N}, I::Block{N}) where {N}
return blocksparse_view(a, Tuple(I)...)
function blocksparse_view(a::AbstractArray{<:Any,N}, I::Vararg{Block{1},N}) where {N}
return SubArray(a, to_indices(a, I))

function blocksparse_viewblock(a::AbstractArray{<:Any,N}, I::Block{N}) where {N}
# TODO: Create a conversion function, say `CartesianIndex(Int.(Tuple(I)))`.
i = I.n
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54 changes: 39 additions & 15 deletions NDTensors/src/lib/BlockSparseArrays/test/test_basics.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ using LinearAlgebra: mul!
using NDTensors.BlockSparseArrays: BlockSparseArray, block_nstored, block_reshape
using NDTensors.SparseArrayInterface: nstored
using NDTensors.TensorAlgebra: contract
using Test: @test, @testset, @test_broken
using Test: @test, @test_broken, @test_throws, @testset
@testset "BlockSparseArrays (eltype=$elt)" for elt in
(Float32, Float64, ComplexF32, ComplexF64)
Expand All @@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ include("TestBlockSparseArraysUtils.jl")
@test block_nstored(a) == 0
@test iszero(a)
@test all(I -> iszero(a[I]), eachindex(a))
@test_throws DimensionMismatch a[Block(1, 1)] = randn(elt, 2, 3)

a = BlockSparseArray{elt}([2, 3], [2, 3])
a[3, 3] = 33
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -225,36 +226,59 @@ include("TestBlockSparseArraysUtils.jl")
@test block_nstored(c) == 2
@test Array(c) == 2 * transpose(Array(a))

## Broken, need to fix.

a = BlockSparseArray{elt}(undef, ([2, 3], [3, 4]))
a[Block(1, 2)] = randn(elt, size(@view(a[Block(1, 2)])))
a[Block(2, 1)] = randn(elt, size(@view(a[Block(2, 1)])))
@test_broken a[Block(1), Block(1):Block(2)]
b = a[Block(1), Block(1):Block(2)]
@test size(b) == (2, 7)
@test blocksize(b) == (1, 2)
@test b[Block(1, 1)] == a[Block(1, 1)]
@test b[Block(1, 2)] == a[Block(1, 2)]

# This is outputting only zero blocks.
a = BlockSparseArray{elt}(undef, ([2, 3], [3, 4]))
a[Block(1, 2)] = randn(elt, size(@view(a[Block(1, 2)])))
a[Block(2, 1)] = randn(elt, size(@view(a[Block(2, 1)])))
b = a[Block(2):Block(2), Block(1):Block(2)]
@test_broken block_nstored(b) == 1
@test_broken b == Array(a)[3:5, 1:end]
b = copy(a)
x = randn(elt, size(@view(a[Block(2, 2)])))
b[Block(2), Block(2)] = x
@test b[Block(2, 2)] == x

a = BlockSparseArray{elt}(undef, ([2, 3], [3, 4]))
a[Block(1, 2)] = randn(elt, size(@view(a[Block(1, 2)])))
a[Block(2, 1)] = randn(elt, size(@view(a[Block(2, 1)])))
b = copy(a)
x = randn(size(@view(a[Block(2, 2)])))
b[Block(2), Block(2)] = x
@test_broken b[Block(2, 2)] == x
b[Block(1, 1)] .= 1
# TODO: Use `blocksizes(b)[1, 1]` once we upgrade to
# BlockArrays.jl v1.
@test b[Block(1, 1)] == trues(size(@view(b[Block(1, 1)])))

# Doesnt' set the block
a = BlockSparseArray{elt}(undef, ([2, 3], [3, 4]))
x = randn(elt, 1, 2)
@view(a[Block(2, 2)])[1:1, 1:2] = x
@test @view(a[Block(2, 2)])[1:1, 1:2] == x
@test a[Block(2, 2)][1:1, 1:2] == x

# TODO: This is broken, fix!
@test_broken a[3:3, 4:5] == x

a = BlockSparseArray{elt}(undef, ([2, 3], [3, 4]))
x = randn(elt, 1, 2)
@views a[Block(2, 2)][1:1, 1:2] = x
@test @view(a[Block(2, 2)])[1:1, 1:2] == x
@test a[Block(2, 2)][1:1, 1:2] == x

# TODO: This is broken, fix!
@test_broken a[3:3, 4:5] == x

## Broken, need to fix.

# This is outputting only zero blocks.
a = BlockSparseArray{elt}(undef, ([2, 3], [3, 4]))
a[Block(1, 2)] = randn(elt, size(@view(a[Block(1, 2)])))
a[Block(2, 1)] = randn(elt, size(@view(a[Block(2, 1)])))
b = copy(a)
b[Block(1, 1)] .= 1
@test_broken b[1, 1] == trues(size(@view(b[1, 1])))
b = a[Block(2):Block(2), Block(1):Block(2)]
@test_broken block_nstored(b) == 1
@test_broken b == Array(a)[3:5, 1:end]
@testset "LinearAlgebra" begin
a1 = BlockSparseArray{elt}([2, 3], [2, 3])
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5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions NDTensors/src/lib/GradedAxes/src/gradedunitrange.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -221,6 +221,11 @@ function blockedunitrange_getindices(
return mortar(map(index -> a[index], indices))

# TODO: Move this to a `BlockArraysExtensions` library.
function blockedunitrange_getindices(a::BlockedUnitRange, indices::Block{1})
return a[indices]

# TODO: Move this to a `BlockArraysExtensions` library.
function blockedunitrange_getindices(a::BlockedUnitRange, indices)
return error("Not implemented.")
Expand Down
11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions NDTensors/src/lib/GradedAxes/src/unitrangedual.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -38,6 +38,11 @@ function unitrangedual_getindices_blocks(a, indices)
return mortar([dual(b) for b in blocks(a_indices)])

# TODO: Move this to a `BlockArraysExtensions` library.
function blockedunitrange_getindices(a::UnitRangeDual, indices::Block{1})
return a[indices]

function Base.getindex(a::UnitRangeDual, indices::Vector{<:Block{1}})
return unitrangedual_getindices_blocks(a, indices)
Expand All @@ -54,6 +59,12 @@ function BlockArrays.BlockSlice(b::Block, a::LabelledUnitRange)
return BlockSlice(b, unlabel(a))

using BlockArrays: BlockArrays, BlockSlice
using NDTensors.GradedAxes: UnitRangeDual, dual
function BlockArrays.BlockSlice(b::Block, r::UnitRangeDual)
return BlockSlice(b, dual(r))

using NDTensors.LabelledNumbers: LabelledNumbers, label
LabelledNumbers.label(a::UnitRangeDual) = dual(label(nondual(a)))

Expand Down
29 changes: 29 additions & 0 deletions NDTensors/src/lib/LabelledNumbers/src/labelledinteger.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -86,3 +86,32 @@ Base.:-(x::LabelledInteger) = labelled_minus(x)
# TODO: This is only needed for older Julia versions, like Julia 1.6.
# Delete once we drop support for older Julia versions.
Base.hash(x::LabelledInteger, h::UInt64) = labelled_hash(x, h)

using Random: AbstractRNG, default_rng
default_eltype() = Float64
for f in [:rand, :randn]
@eval begin
function Base.$f(
return a = $f(rng, elt, unlabel.(dims))
function Base.$f(
return $f(rng, elt, (dim1, dims...))
Base.$f(elt::Type{<:Number}, dims::Tuple{LabelledInteger,Vararg{LabelledInteger}}) =
$f(default_rng(), elt, dims)
Base.$f(elt::Type{<:Number}, dim1::LabelledInteger, dims::Vararg{LabelledInteger}) =
$f(elt, (dim1, dims...))
Base.$f(dims::Tuple{LabelledInteger,Vararg{LabelledInteger}}) =
$f(default_eltype(), dims)
Base.$f(dim1::LabelledInteger, dims::Vararg{LabelledInteger}) = $f((dim1, dims...))

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