Microsoft Translator Documentation
SOAP version that supports translating longer strings
Microsoft Translator API Reference
- addTranslation (not implemented)
- addTranslationArray (not implemented)
- breakSentences (not working)
- detect
- detectArray
- getAppIdToken (not implemented) This is a legacy, replaced by Access Token
- getLanguageNames
- getLanguagesForSpeak
- getLanguagesForTranslate
- getTranslations
- getTranslationsArray
- speak
- translate
- translateArray
- translateArray2
$ npm install mstranslator
or just download it and put it in your project's node_module directory.
You will also need to register to get an client_id and client_secret to create access tokens. Details at
var MsTranslator = require('mstranslator');
// Second parameter to constructor (true) indicates that
// the token should be auto-generated.
var client = new MsTranslator({
client_id: "your client_id"
, client_secret: "your client secret"
}, true);
var params = {
text: 'How\'s it going?'
, from: 'en'
, to: 'es'
// Don't worry about access token, it will be auto-generated if needed.
client.translate(params, function(err, data) {
var MsTranslator = require('mstranslator');
var client = new MsTranslator({
client_id: "your client_id"
, client_secret: "your client secret"
var params = {
text: 'How\'s it going?'
, from: 'en'
, to: 'es'
// Using initialize_token manually.
client.translate(params, function(err, data) {
Licensed under the MIT license.